journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (8): 713-715.

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Study on correlation between the child's bone mineral density with seasons and ages

LIU Li1,ZHENG Zheng2   

  1. 1 Beijing Children Hospital, Beijing 100045, China;
    2 Beijing Xuanwu Hospital, Beijing 100053, China
  • Received:2011-03-11 Online:2011-08-06 Published:2011-08-06



  1. 1 北京儿童医院,北京 100045;
    2 北京宣武医院,北京 100053
  • 通讯作者: 郑铮,
  • 作者简介:刘莉(1965-),女,北京人,副主任医师,学士学位,主要研究方向为儿童保健

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the present situation of child's bone mineral density(BMD) in north china, and the relationship between child's BMD with ages, gender and seasons. 【Methods】 Analyzed the BMD and whose relationship with ages, gender and seasons of 5 971 normal children who came to our health center for body check in 2008-2009. 【Results】 The distribution of child's BMD normal and increased with the actual month. The relationship was linear and the difference was significant(P <0.001). BMD in different ages had significant difference. The relationship between BMD and gender was not significant before puberty(P>0.05). Only in adolescent ages BMD of girls was higher than boys and the difference was high significant(P<0.000 1). Child's BMD's Z-score had not significant difference in different seasons except of school age children.BMD's Z-score of infancy was lower in autumn than winter, and the difference was significant(P<0.05). Child's BMD's Z-score of school ages was lower in summer than winter, and the difference was significant(P<0.05). 【Conclusions】 Child's BMD of north china is increased with the actual month and correlate with gander and ages. Childs in adolescent should pay attention to take calcium and vitamin D. Child in summer and autumn should take appropriate amount vitamin D according to sunshine time.

Key words: bone mineral density, child, age, gender, seasons

摘要: 【目的】 了解北方部分地区儿童骨密度现状,探讨儿童骨密度与年龄、性别及季节的关系。 【方法】 对2008-2009年度本科5 971名正常儿童骨密度检测值与年龄、性别、季节的相关性进行分析。 【结果】 北方儿童骨密度值呈正态分布,并随年龄增长而增加(P<0.001)。不同年龄段儿童骨密度差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。青春期前儿童骨密度值与性别无关(P>0.05);而青春期女童骨密度较男童高(P<0.000 1)。学龄组(6~12岁)儿童骨密度值Z分数差异有统计学意义(P=0.008 5),其余组四季骨密度差异不显著,婴儿组秋季偏低,与冬季差异显著;学龄前组夏季偏低,与冬季差异显著(P均<0.05)。 【结论】 北方地区儿童骨密度值随年龄而增加并受性别影响。青春期儿童应注重钙制品及维生素D的补充。儿童在夏秋季也应根据户外接受日照情况等因素适量添加维生素D。

关键词: 骨密度, 儿童, 年龄段, 性别, 季节

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