Chinese Journal of Child Health Care ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (10): 1091-1095.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2022-1300
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CHEN Yiren, WU Lijun, CHEN Fangfang
CHEN Fangfang,
陈宜人, 吴丽君, 陈芳芳
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CHEN Yiren, WU Lijun, CHEN Fangfang. Advances in the application of lipidomics analysis method in children's health and diseases[J]. Chinese Journal of Child Health Care, 2023, 31(10): 1091-1095.
陈宜人, 吴丽君, 陈芳芳. 脂质组学分析方法在儿童健康与疾病中的应用[J]. 中国儿童保健杂志, 2023, 31(10): 1091-1095.
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