journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (7): 655-657.

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Prevention and cure strategy concluded from clinical analysis of 960 cases of respiratory foreign body in children

LI Xiang-li, TANG Ya-e, WANG Li, LI Xiao-ying, ZHOU Mei-hong, KONG De-ling, KANG Fang-qin   

  1. The Operating Room of the second Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 71004, China
  • Received:2011-01-24 Online:2011-07-06 Published:2011-07-06



  1. 西安交通大学医学院第二附属医院手术室,陕西 西安 710004
  • 作者简介:李向利(1965-),女,陕西人,主管护师,本科学历,主要研究方向为手术室护理

Abstract: 【Objective】 To analyze the variety of different causes of children respiratory foreign body, in order to provide the appropriate prevention for children accidental injury. 【Methods】 960 cases of children respiratory foreign body(October,2005-October,2010) were gathered and retrospectively analyzed, focused major on the age, sex, geographical distribution, clinical treatment, the kinds of foreign body, location of the foreign body, the kinds of operation, and the therapeutic result. 【Results】 75.63% of all the cases happened in infants of 1~3 years old, boys more than girls; 73.96% of all the cases were those come from country side; 82.08% of all the foreign bodies were vegetant foreign body such as peanuts or melon seeds; 957 cases were cured after operation whereas 3 cases died. 【Conclusions】 The key point of prevention of children respiratory foreign body is the reinforced health education, especially in countryside.

Key words: respiratory foreign body, health education, prevention, children

摘要: 【目的】 分析儿童呼吸道异物的发病原因及种类,为儿童意外伤害的预防工作提供科学依据。 【方法】 回顾性分析西安交通大学第二附属医院耳鼻喉科2005年10月-2010年10月5年间收治的儿童呼吸道异物960例的临床资料,包括儿童气管异物的发生年龄分布、性别构成比、地域分布、就诊情况、气管异物常见种类、异物所在部位、手术方式及治疗结果。 【结果】 75.63%儿童呼吸道异物发生于1~3岁幼儿,男童明显多于女童(P<0.001);73.96%儿童呼吸道异物来源于农村儿童(P<0.05);82.08%儿童呼吸道异物为花生、瓜子等植物性异物;经过手术治疗,治愈957例,死亡3例。 【结论】 加强儿童的健康教育是预防儿童呼吸道异物的关键,尤其是农村的婴幼儿童。

关键词: 呼吸道异物, 健康教育, 预防, 儿童

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