journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (5): 475-477.

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Birth status and influencing factors of 362 live-born infants

ZHAO Zi-wen, LIU Gui-ying   

  1. Department of Pediatrics, Beijing Anzhen Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2011-01-13 Online:2011-05-06 Published:2011-05-06



  1. 首都医科大学附属安贞医院普儿科,北京 100029
  • 通讯作者: 刘桂英,
  • 作者简介:赵梓文(1985-),女,北京人,在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为新生儿及心血管疾病

Abstract: 【Objective】 To research the methods of childbearing, birth weight, length, complications of live newborns and identify the influence factors. 【Methods】 Collecting the datas of presentation, birth weight, length, complications and resuscitation of live newborns during September 2009 to March 2010 in obstetrics of Anzhen Hospital. 【Results】 362 newborns were investigated, cesarean section 227(62.71%), perineotomy 99(27.35%), spontaneous delivery 26(7.18%), forceps delivery 10(2.76%); average length (49.92±1.52)cm, average birth weight (3 376.24±465.198)g, fetal macrosomia 37(10.22%), premature infant 28(7.73%), low birth weight infant 16(4.42%). The complications of newborn were abnormality of umbilical cord in 70(19.34%), intrauterine asphyxia in 68(18.78%), meconium-stained amniotic fluid in 51(14.09%), asphyxia in 18(4.97%), abnormity in 14(3.87%), pneumonia in 14(3.87%), pustular eruption in 14(3.87%), polycythemia in 2(0.55%). There were 18 asphyxial newborns resuscitated, all of them were treated artificial respiration of positive pressure(100%), among them 3(16.67%) were treated endotracheal intubation, 5(27.78%) were treated chest compression, 6(33.33%) were applied medicine. 【Conclusions】 The cesarean section rate is high. The birth weight of newborn is on the high side, and the incidence of fetal macrosomia increased. Artificial respiration of positive pressure is the most important measure in the resuscitations of asphyxia newborn.

Key words: newborn, infant, birth, correlation factor

摘要: 【目的】 了解活产新生儿的生产方式、出生体重、身长、合并症及可能的相关因素。 【方法】 收集2009年9月-2010年3月安贞医院产科出生的新生儿其生产方式、出生体重、身长;有无合并症及窒息复苏抢救措施等资料。 【结果】 362例新生儿中,剖宫产:227例(62.71%),侧切分娩:99例(27.35%),自然分娩:26例(7.18%),产钳助娩:10例(2.76%)。平均出生身长:(49.92±1.52) cm;平均出生体重:(3 376.24±465.20)g。巨大儿37例(10.22%),早产28例(7.73%),低体重儿16例(4.42%)。新生儿合并症:脐带异常70例(19.34%),胎儿窘迫68例(18.78%),羊水污染51例(14.09%),窒息18例(4.97%),新生儿畸形14例(3.87%),肺炎14例(3.87%),脓疱疹14例(3.87%),红细胞增多症2例(0.55%)。18例窒息新生儿进行复苏:均给予正压人工呼吸,其中3例(16.67%)行气管插管,给予胸外按压5例(27.78%),应用药物6例(33.33%)。 【结论】 新生儿出生状况中,剖宫产率居高水平;新生儿体重偏高,巨大儿比例增多;新生儿窒息复苏抢救中,正压人工呼吸是首要措施。

关键词: 新生, 婴儿, 出生, 相关因素

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