journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (10): 927-929.

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Characteristics of intelligence structural in children with Asperger syndrome

WANG Hui, JING Jin   

  1. Department of Maternal and Child Health, SUN Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou,Guangdong 510080, China
  • Received:2011-06-14 Online:2011-10-06 Published:2011-10-06



  1. 中山大学公共卫生学院妇幼卫生系,广东 广州 510080
  • 通讯作者: 静进,E-mail:
  • 作者简介:王惠(1989-),女,安徽人,在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为儿童发育和行
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To study the intelligence structure and cognitive features of children with Asperger syndrome, in order to offer reference and evidence for diagnosis and relative research. 【Methods】 26 children with AS were evaluated by WISC-IV, and then composite and subtest scores were analyzed. 【Results】 The FSIQ of AS group was in the normal range, with PRI in the highest and PSI in the lowest score. Among the ten core subsets, Similarities ranked the first and Digit Span ranked the lowest. 【Conclusions】 AS Children have the normal general ability, but have deficit in the cognitive proficiency; mainly reflect in cognitive shifting, working memory and short-term memory.

Key words: Asperger syndrome, children, intelligence, cognitive character

摘要: 【目的】 探讨Asperger综合征(Asperger syndrome ,AS)儿童的智力结构和认知特点,为相关研究及诊疗提供依据。 【方法】 采用韦氏儿童智力测验第4版(Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition,WISC-IV)对26名符合美国《精神障碍诊断和统计手册》第4版(DSM-IV)标准诊断的AS儿童[平均(9.53±2.42)岁]进行测试。 【结果】 入组AS儿童的总智商(95.69±12.11)在正常范围,知觉推理指数(100.08±13.70)的得分最高,加工速度指数(91.58±11.31)的得分最低。此外,在各分测验中,类同(11.04±3.69)的得分最高,背数(7.88±1.88)的得分最低。 【结论】 入组AS儿童具有正常范围的认知水平,但存在明显的执行功能障碍,表现为认知灵活性、工作记忆以及短时记忆等能力相对偏低。

关键词: Asperger综合征, 儿童, 智力, 认知特点

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