中国儿童保健杂志 ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 319-323.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2024-0091

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐玉英1*, 郭晨鸣1*, 王蕾2, 董雪丽2, 王素青1, 鲁亚平1,3, 余立平1   

  1. 武汉大学1.护理学院;
    3.人民医院,湖北 武汉 430060
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-10 修回日期:2024-10-31 发布日期:2025-03-06 出版日期:2025-03-10
  • 通讯作者: 鲁亚平,;余立平,
  • 作者简介:徐玉英(1997—),女,硕士研究生在读,主要研究方向为养育照护及儿童早期发展;郭晨鸣(1993—),男,本科在读,主要研究方向为养育照护。注:*共同第一作者。

Relationship between responsive caregiving and social support in infants and young children

XU Yuying1*, GUO Chenming1*, WANG Lei2, DONG Xueli2, WANG Suqing1, LU Yaping1,3, YU Liping1   

  1. 1. School of Nursing;
    2. Zhongnan Hospital;
    3. Renmin Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430060, China
  • Received:2024-04-10 Revised:2024-10-31 Online:2025-03-10 Published:2025-03-06
  • Contact: LU Yaping, E-mail:; YU Liping: E-mail:

摘要: 目的 分析婴幼儿回应性照护水平与照护者社会支持之间的关系,为提高婴幼儿回应性照护水平提供理论依据。方法 采用横断面调查,于2023年3月—2024年1月对武汉市武昌区妇幼保健院儿童保健门诊健康体检的896例婴幼儿开展调研。采用一般资料调查表、社会支持量表和婴幼儿回应性照护量表进行问卷调查。分析照护者社会支持与社会婴幼儿回应性照护间的相关性,并分析其影响因素。结果 回应性照护水平与儿童健康状况(Z=-4.127)、儿童保险(H=10.873)、父亲文化程度(H=9.092)、母亲文化程度(H=9.254)、家庭人均月收入(H=9.642)以及夫妻关系(H=44.810)有关(P<0.05)。婴幼儿回应性照护与社会支持呈显著正相关(r=0.176,P<0.01)。多元线性回归分析显示,控制人口学因素后,社会支持对婴幼儿回应性照护水平仍具有显著正向影响(β=0.206,95%CI:0.08~0.25,P<0.01)。结论 社会支持影响婴幼儿回应性照护水平,卫生医疗保健人员应为婴幼儿照护者提供养育照护知识指导,帮助其提高婴幼儿回应性照护水平。

关键词: 回应性照护, 社会支持, 婴幼儿

Abstract: Objective To explore the relationship between the level of responsive care and caregivers' social support, so as to provide a theoretical basis for improving the level of responsive care for infants and young children. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 896 infants and young children who received health examinations in the child health clinic of Wuchang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Wuhan from March 2023 to January 2024. General information questionnaire, Social Support Scale, and Infant and Young Child Responsive Caregiving Scale were used for the survey. The correlation between caregivers' social support and responsive care for infants and young children was analyzed, along with its influencing factors. Results The level of responsive care was correlated with children's health status (Z=-4.127), child insurance (H=10.873), paternal education level (H=9.092), maternal education level (H=9.254), family's per capita monthly income (H=9.642), and marital relationship (H=44.810) (P<0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between responsive care for infants and young children and social support (r=0.176, P<0.01). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that after controlling for demographic factors, social support still had a significant positive effect on the level of responsive care for infants and young children (β=0.206, 95%CI: 0.08 - 0.25, P<0.01). Conclusions Social support affects the level of responsive care in infants and young children. Health care professionals should provide caregivers with guidance on nurturing care to improve the level of responsive care for infants and young children.

Key words: responsive caregiving, social support, infants and toddlers
