journal1 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 204-206.

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Analysis of children's urinary iodine content of test results in Guilin city in 2011.

WU Qing-jie1,LAN Lan1,HE Yan-hong1,FANG Fang1,HUANG Ya-ming2.   

  1. 1 Guilin Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guilin,Guangxi 541001,China;
    2 Guangxi Zhuang Automomous Region Center for Disease Prevention and Control,Nanning,Guangxi 530028,China
  • Received:2012-05-31 Online:2013-02-06 Published:2013-02-06



  1. 1 桂林市疾病预防控制中心,广西 桂林 541001;
    2 广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心,广西 南宁 530028
  • 通讯作者: 黄亚铭,
  • 作者简介:吴庆洁(1971-),女,广西人,主管技师,本科学历,主要从事卫生理化检验。

Abstract: Objective To monitor and analyse the urinary iodine content of the frequency distribution of 8~10-year-old children at Guilin city and counties area and provide a scientific basis for lay down of appropriate interventions. Method The samples collected from children urine for testing basis on professional standard of health of P.R.China WS/T 107-2006. Results The 1 400 samples detection value of urinary iodine from children results showed.8~10 years old children urinary iodine level <50 μg/L ratio was 1.29% and <100 μg/L ratio was 5.29% and had up to the national iodine deficiency disorders elimination of the standard.In overall samples of urine,the urinary iodine levels ≥200 μg/L and above accounted for 73.64%(1 031/1 400),the urban sample of children ≥200 μg/L accounted for 66.20%(331/500) and the counties sample of children ≥200 μg/L accounted for 77.78% (700/900) and in which samples of children in four counties of ≥200 μg/L accounted for 86.75%(347/400). Conclusion The overall index of urinary iodine samples detected has reached the national standard,but there are high levels of phenomenon of children's urinary iodine in the counties.

Key words: urinary iodine, test, children

摘要: 目的 监测分析桂林市区及所辖县8~10岁儿童尿碘含量的频数分布,为制定相应的干预措施提供科学依据。 方法 依据中华人民共和国卫生行业标准WS/T107-2006收集儿童尿样本进行检测。 结果 1 400份儿童尿碘检测值结果显示,8~10岁儿童尿碘水平<50 μg/L的比率为1.29%,<100 μg/L的比率为5.29%,达到国家碘缺乏病消除标准。 尿样本中尿碘水平≥200 μg/L的占73.64%(1 031/1 400),市区儿童样本≥200 μg/L的占66.20%(331/500),县城儿童样本中≥200 μg/L的占77.78%(700/900),其中有四个县的儿童样本≥200 μg/L的占86.75%(347/400)。 结论 桂林市8~10岁儿童尿碘样本检测的总体指标已达到国家标准,但县城儿童存在儿童尿碘含量偏高现象。

关键词: 尿碘, 检测, 儿童

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