journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (8): 689-691.

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Effect of maternal and child health care program for urban migrant population on the state of health care service of migrant children in Beijing

YAN Shu-juan, CHEN Xin-xin   

  1. Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Beijing 100026, China
  • Received:2011-06-07 Online:2011-08-06 Published:2011-08-06



  1. 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院 北京妇幼保健院,北京 100026
  • 作者简介:闫淑娟(1965-),女,北京人,主任医师,学士学位,研究方向为儿童保健
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To analyze the effect of maternal and child health care(MCH) program for urban migrant population on the state of health care service of migrant children in Beijing. 【Methods】 Eleven communities were chosen in Chaoyang and Daxing district by stratified cluster sampling to implement a five-year MCH program for urban migrant population. At the end of the program, caretakers of migrant children were randomly chosen in the communities to answer a questionnaire. Data were compared with the baseline. 【Results】 There were 1 005 migrant children involved in the terminal survey. The results showed that: 1)The awareness rate of child health service and knowledge of child health increased significantly among the caretakers of migrant children. 2)The utilization of health care service for migrant children improved significantly. The rates of having child health care record, health care coverage and system management significantly improved than the baseline. The increased rate was 71.7%, 76.2% and 87.5% respectively. 3)The health states of migrant children were significantly improved than the baseline. The prevalence of diarrhea within 2 weeks of migrant children was lower than the baseline, and so was the prevalence of cough within 2 weeks. 【Conclusion】 The implement of the MCH program for migrant population have significant roles in improving the health knowledge of the caregivers, and in improving the health services and health state of migrant children.

Key words: migrant population, children, child health care, maternal and child health care

摘要: 【目的】 分析城市流动人口妇幼保健服务项目对流动儿童保健状况的改善作用。 【方法】 采取分层整群抽样方法抽取朝阳区和大兴区共11个街乡,实施为期5年的流动人口妇幼保健项目。项目终期,在项目点随机抽取部分流动儿童进行入户问卷调查,与基线调查比较。 【结果】 共调查流动儿童1 005名。结果显示:1)流动儿童看护人对儿童保健服务和知识的知晓率明显提高;2)流动儿童对保健服务的利用明显改善,建册率、儿童保健覆盖率和儿童系统管理率比基线时明显提高,升幅分别为71.7%、76.2%和87.5%;3)流动儿童健康状况明显改善,腹泻、咳嗽2周罹患率比基线明显降低。 【结论】 流动人口妇幼保健服务项目的实施对提高流动儿童看护人保健知识水平、改善流动儿童保健服务和健康状况具有明显的促进作用。

关键词: 流动人口, 儿童, 儿童保健, 妇幼保健

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