journal1 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (10): 1032-1034.

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Etiology study on the virus diarrhea among children

TANG Zhi-hong1,TANG Jing-yu2,ZU Xiu-ming3,YU Qiu-li4   

  1. 1 Chinese Foundation of Hepatitis Prevention and Contorl,Beijing 100050,China; 2 Center for Diseases Control and Prevention Hebei Provice Lulong County of Qinhuangdao,Hebei 066400,China; 3 Lulong County Hospital,Qinhuangdao,Hebei 066400,China; 4 Hebei Provice Center for Diseases Control and Prevention,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050021,China
  • Received:2013-04-24 Online:2013-10-06 Published:2013-10-06
  • Contact: TANG Jing-yu,



  1. 1 中国肝炎防治基金会,北京 100050; 2 河北省卢龙县疾病预防控制中心,河北 秦皇岛 066400;3 河北省卢龙县医院 ,河北 秦皇岛 066400; 4 河北省疾病预防控制中心,河北 石家庄 050021
  • 通讯作者: 唐景裕,
  • 作者简介:唐志红(1980-),女,河北人,主治医师,本科学历,主要研究方向为儿童腹泻病。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To study on etiology of diarrhea among children and to provide the scientific basis for the prevention of the virus diarrhea disease. Method Using epidemiological method to survey patients with diarrhea,virus was detected by enzyme linked immuno assy (ELISA) and revere-transcription polymeras chain reaction (RT-PCR ). Results Virological testing results showed:the rate positive of virus was 53.37%(222/416),40.87% of Rotavirus(170/416),6.97% of human caliciviruses (29/416),0.96% of Astrovirus (4/416),4.57% of Adenovirus (19/416).8.17% of Mixed infection (34/416).The distribution of season:HRV infected highest was December and follow year of January.HuCV infected highest was November and December.AdeV infected highest was December and June.Astv infected highest was January and February.The distribution of month -old of Virus diarrhea:HRV,HuCV,AdeV,AstV of infection most was 12~ month groups (45.23%,38.29%,43.75%,29.41%).66.67% of HRVG3 and p[8](68.13%),p[4](20.88%) were most common stain.23.58% of HRV G9 serotype rose significantly. Conclusions HRV is mainly pathogen of virus diarrhea in children,follow HuCV,AdeV,Astv.G3 and P[8],P[4] of the HRV are epdmics trains,the follow is G9.These results provide important information for HRV vaccine research.

Key words: diarrhea, virus, styping, HRVG9

摘要: 目的 研究婴幼儿病毒性腹泻的病原构成,为该病的防治提供科学依据。方法 采用流行病学的调查方法对病人进行调查;采用ELISA法和RT-PCA法检测病毒病原。结果 病毒学检测结果:416份腹泻样本中,阳性样本222份,阳性率为53.37%,其中轮状病毒(HRV)阳性170份(占40.87%),杯状病毒(HuCV)阳性样本 29份(占6.97%),星状病毒(AstV)阳性样本4份(占0.96%),腺病毒(AdeV)阳性样本19份(占4.57 %),各种混合感染34例(占8.17%);HRV感染发病,以每年的12月份和次年的1月份为发病高峰;HuCV感染发病,以每年的11、12月份为发病的高峰;AdeV感染发病,以每年的12、6月份为发病高峰;Astv感染发病,以每年的1、2月份为发病高峰。HRV、HuCV、AdeV、Astv 患儿的月龄分布:均以12~月龄组最多,分别为45.23%、38.29%、43.75%、29.41%。轮状病毒的G3血清型为流行毒株(66.67%)G9血清型大幅度上升(23.58%)P基因型分型结果:以P[8]为主(68.13%),其次是P[4](20.88%)。结论 婴幼儿腹泻病毒病原主要是HRV,其次是HuCV、AdeV、Astv,HRV血清型 G3和基因型P[8]、P[4]是主要的流行株,其次是很少见的血清型G9,这一结果为HRV疫苗研究提供重要信息。

关键词: 腹泻, 病毒, 分型, HRV G9

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