journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (9): 809-810.

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Influence to newborn of satisfaction degree of blood glucose management to gestation period diabetes mother

LIANG Kao-wen   

  1. Department of Pediatrics, Miyun County Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Beijing 101500, China
  • Received:2011-03-24 Online:2011-09-06 Published:2011-09-06



  1. 北京市密云县妇幼保健院儿科,北京 101500
  • 作者简介:梁考文(1968-),男,满族,北京人,副主任医师,本科学历,主要从事新生儿临床工作

Abstract: 【Objective】 To discuss gestation period diabetes mother blood glucose management degree of satisfaction to newborn influence. 【Methods】 225 infants of diabetic mothers by the mother are not satisfied with glycemic management during pregnancy. were divided into control group (A group, 50 cases) and satisfaction group (B group, 175 cases) were observed neonatal diseases related to birth weight and fetal age and condition of brain function development. 【Results】 A group of related disorders (low blood glucose, cardiac hypertrophy and immature organs) rate, gestational age, birth weight, premature brain development abnormalities and neurobehavioral scores were significantly higher than that of B group(P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 The blood glucose management during pregnancy, the mother is satisfied with a direct impact on neonatal disease and prognosis, response to conventional management of infants of diabetic mother, timely monitoring and early intervention.

Key words: infants of diabetic mothers, blood glucose management, newborn

摘要: 【目的】 探讨妊娠期糖尿病母亲血糖管理的满意度对新生儿的影响。 【方法】 将225例糖尿病母亲婴儿按照母亲妊娠期血糖管理情况分成控制不满意组(A组,50例)和满意组(B组,175例),观察两组新生儿的相关疾病、出生体重与胎龄和脑功能发育状况。 【结果】 A组相关疾病(低血糖、心肌肥厚及器官发育不成熟)发生率、胎龄、出生体重、脑发育不成熟和神经行为评分异常显著高于B组(P<0.05)。 【结论】 母亲妊娠期血糖管理是否满意直接影响新生儿疾病发生和预后,应对糖尿病母亲婴儿进行常规管理,及时监测,早期干预。

关键词: 糖尿病母亲婴儿, 血糖管理, 新生儿

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