journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 114-116.

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Dynamic analysis on the infant mortality rate from 1961 to 2008 in Luwan district of Shanghai municipality

WANG Yi, XU Jing-yi, WU Jian-hua, YUAN Jia-lin, GAO Shu-na   

  1. Luwan District of Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai 200023,China
  • Received:2010-08-09 Online:2011-02-06 Published:2011-02-06



  1. 上海市卢湾区疾病预防控制中心,上海 200023
  • 作者简介:王一(1980-),男,浙江人,医师,学士学位,主要研究方向为慢性病防治、生命统计
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To monitor the changing trend of infant mortality rate (IMR) in Luwan district Shanghai, observe how IMR affected average life expectancy, in order to take proper measures to reduce the rate. 【Method】 Dynamic series analysis was used to analyze monitoring data of 194 195 cases of live birth, 2 379 cases of infant death in Luwan district Shanghai during 1961—2008. 【Results】 The infant mortality rate and neonatal mortality rate were 25.20‰ and 8.98‰ respectively in 1961.Through intervention,they were reduced to 1.64‰ and 1.64‰ respectively in 2008. The decline speed were 93.50% and 81.76% respectively, which had significant effects on the average life expectancy and death structure. The four leading causes of IMR were congenital malformation, pneumonia, preterm infant and birth trauma and asphyxia. 【Conclusions】 Along with the development of the medical profession in Luwan district, their great effort have been taken to reduce the infant mortality rate. Now we should lay stress on monitoring birth defects and advocate perinatal health care, in order to reduce the IMR and increase the average life expectancy effectively.

Key words: mortality, average life expectancy, infant

摘要: 【目的】 监测上海市卢湾区婴儿死亡的变化趋势,观察婴儿死亡率对平均期望寿命的影响,采取相应措施降低婴儿死亡率。 【方法】 对卢湾区1961—2008年出生的194 195名活产婴儿以及同期死亡的2 379名婴儿的死亡资料以动态数列的方法分析。 【结果】 婴儿死亡率从1961年的25.20‰下降至2008年的1.64‰,下降速度为93.50%;新生儿死亡率从8.98‰下降至1.64‰,下降速度为81.76%,受之影响卢湾区人均期望寿命也逐年上升。婴儿死亡的前四位主要死因分别为先天异常、肺炎、早产儿和未成熟儿、产伤窒息。 【结论】 随着本区医疗事业的发展,婴儿死亡率显著降低。为降低婴儿死亡率,提高平均期望寿命,现阶段应以加强出生缺陷监测工作和提倡围生期保健作为工作重点。

关键词: 死亡率, 平均期望寿命, 婴儿

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