journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (9): 794-796.

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Epidemiological investigation of sleep disorders for the children of 3~6 years in Nanjing city

XIE Hai-hong1,GUO Xi-rong2,QU Hong-ming2,ZHU Li-jun2   

  1. 1 School of Public Health,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210004,China;
    2 Department of Group Health Care,Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210029,China
  • Received:2012-08-14 Online:2012-09-06 Published:2012-09-06



  1. 1 南京医科大学公共卫生学院,江苏 南京 210004;
    2 南京市医科大学附属南京妇幼保健院,江苏 南京 210004
  • 作者简介:谢海虹(1974-), 女,安徽人,副主任医师,在读硕士,主要研究方向为儿童保健

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the sleep conditions and correlative factors of children 3~6 years old children in Nanjing. 【Method】 1 327 children aged 3~6 years old were randomly selected for investigation in Nanjing. 【Results】 There was a higher prevalenee rate of sleep disorders in children in Nanjing city than the level of investigations in other cities,it was 52.67%.Among their symptoms of sleep disorder,hyperhidrosis was 34.51%,molar teeth 14.47%,restless sleep 10.78%,sleep snoring 10.32%,night talking 9.34%,mouth breathing 6.41%,limber spasm 4.60%,sleep long time in daytime and less in night 2.03%,screeching or crying during sleeping 2.03%,going to sleep early1.96%,choke gargling 1.28%,night awakenings 0.98%,limber spasm 0.38%,sleep apnea 0.23%,sleep walking 0.08%.The prevalences of hyperhidrosis,sleep long time in daytime and less in night of boys were larger than girls.The prevalence of night talking of girls was larger than boys.The main factors those affected the sleep disorders were 5 including the having diseases,feelings before sleep,sleep time,sleep posture,playing games outside.There were many factors those affected the sleep problems of children including children's age,heredity and environmental factors.

Key words: sleep disorders, prevalence, epidemio logical investigation, children

摘要: 【目的】 了解南京市3~6岁儿童睡眠问题发生情况、影响因素及其对儿童的危害,为防治儿童睡眠问题提供依据。 【方法】 随机抽取南京市1 327名3~6岁儿童进行睡眠状况的问卷调查。 【结果】 南京市3~6岁儿童睡眠问题发生率为52.67%,其中男童为56.10%,女童为48.60% ,两者间差异有统计学意义;睡眠时各症状发生率为多汗34.51%,磨牙14.47%,辗转不安10.78%,打呼噜10.32%,说梦话9.34%,用口呼吸6.41%,肢体抽动4.60%,白天睡得多夜间清醒2.03%,睡眠中出现尖叫、哭喊2.03%,入睡过早或傍晚入睡1.96%,喉头哽咽1.28%,睡眠中轻微刺激即惊醒0.98%,有痉挛性肢体抽动0.38%,呼吸暂停0.23%,梦游0.08%。男童睡眠中多汗、白天睡的多、夜间清醒发生率高于女童;睡眠时说梦话发生率女童显著高于男童。呼吸道疾病、夜间入睡前的情绪、夜间入睡时间、夜间睡眠经常采用的姿势、喜欢活跃的户外活动是影响儿童睡眠的相关因素。 【结论】 南京市3~6岁儿童睡眠问题发生率较高,为52.67%,高于很多城市的调查水平。儿童睡眠问题发生率男童大于女童。儿童的睡眠受年龄、疾病、环境等多种因素影响。因此应加强家长对儿童睡眠问题的认识,控制危险因素,早期发现,及时干预和治疗。

关键词: 睡眠问题, 发生率, 流行病学调查, 儿童

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