journal1 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 70-72.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2015-23-01-22

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Investigation on 211 case of chilopalatognathus and analysis of suspected teratogenic factors in Hengyang city.

HUANG Qiu-shuang,LEI Qin,WANG Yan,XIONG Yan,NIE Xing-hui,YUAN Yu-mei   

  1. Hengyang Maternal and Child Health Care Service Centre,Hengyang,Hunan 421001,China
  • Received:2014-04-30 Online:2015-01-10 Published:2015-01-10


黄秋双,雷勤,王燕, 熊艳,聂星辉,袁玉梅   

  1. 衡阳市妇幼保健院,湖南 衡阳 421001
  • 作者简介:黄秋双(1971-),女,湖南人,主任医师,主要从事儿童保健工作
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To investigate the children with chilopalatognathus and their parents in Hengyang city,to understand the incidence and suspected teratogenic factors,and to provide scientific basis for effective early intervention. Methods During the period of 2009-2012,the data of children with chilopalatognathus in hospital were collected,and the children's parents were interviewed to complete the questionnaire,understood the basic situation of the parents before and during pregnancy,Chi square test was applied for univariate analysis to track the possible teratogenic factors in children. Results There were significant differences (χ2=58.90,P<0.01) among different gender between various age groups of children with single or syndromic chilopalatognathus.First 5 parents' occupation had significant difference (χ2=55.294,P<0.01).Vomiting and taking medicine during pregnancy had significant difference (χ2=14.45,P< 0.01).Whether parents had taken medicine to cure their illnesses had significant (χ2=39.51,P<0.01).Whether mother was drinking had significant (χ2=8.00,P<0.05). Conclusions The prevalence of chilopalatognathus in Hengyang city affected by environment and parents' occupation,lifestyle,genetic and other factors.It is necessary for parents to dopreconception care and prenatal care,prenatal diagnosis should also be given to high risk gravida for early intervention of chilopalatognathus.

Key words: chilopalatognathus, suspected teratogenic factors, early intervention

摘要: 目的 通过调查衡阳市唇腭裂患儿及父母家庭情况,了解衡阳市唇腭裂发病情况并探讨相关致畸因素,为有效进行早期干预提供科学依据。方法 2009-2012年期间,选取医院唇腭裂患儿收集个案资料,并对患儿的父母进行面谈完成调查问卷,了解其父母孕前孕期基本情况,采用χ2检验进行单因素分析,追踪患儿的可能致畸因素。结果 不同性别间各年龄组患儿间单发与综合征型唇腭裂比较差异具有统计学意义(χ2=58.90,P<0.01),前5位父母职业比较差异具有统计学意义(χ2=55.294,P<0.01),妊娠期母亲有无呕吐服药经χ2检验差异具有统计学意义(χ2=14.45,P<0.01),父、母亲是否因病服药两者比较差异具有统计学意义(χ2=39.51,P<0.01),饮酒母亲与不饮酒母亲比较差别具有统计学意义(χ2=8.00,P<0.05)。结论 衡阳市唇腭裂患病受环境、父母生活方式、职业、遗传等多因素影响。预防的办法首先做好孕前保健、孕期保健,对高危孕妇给予产前诊断、唇腭裂患儿早期干预非常必要。

关键词: 唇腭裂畸形, 相关因素, 早期干预

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