journal1 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (8): 796-798.

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Study on immunization status among children aged 12~23 months in 14 counties of western China


  1. Department of Child,Adolescent and Women's Health,School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China
  • Received:2012-11-30 Online:2013-08-06 Published:2013-08-06
  • Contact: WANG Yan,;ZHOU Hong,



  1. 北京大学公共卫生学院妇女与儿童青少年卫生学系,北京 100191
  • 通讯作者: 王燕,;周虹,
  • 作者简介:张妍(1986-),女,吉林人,硕士在读,主要研究方向为妇女与儿童保健。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To learn the immunization status of children in some areas of western China so as to provide scientific basis for improving immunization program. Methods A cross-sectional study with three-stage stratified random sampling method was conducted,and a total of 1 159 children aged 12~23 months old from 14 counties in western China was chosen to investigate their basic informations with self-administrated questionnaire and to get their information of immunization from "vaccination certificate". Results The coverage rate of BCG,the first HBV,3 times of HBV,3 times of OPV,3 times of DPT,the first measles vaccine and all five vaccines were 38.6%,68.4%,34.8%,32.6%,38.5%,25.0%,2.4% respectively,while the qualified vaccination times among children aged 12~23 months were 97.1%,99.2%,93.5%,94.4%,92.6%,54.2%,47.7% respectively.There were positive correlations between hospital delivery rate (HDR) and coverage rate of BCG within 24 h as well as between HDR and coverage rate of the first HBV within 24 h.However,there were still gaps between HDR and the two coverage rates above. Conclusions Timely vaccination was at a low level in these areas.Immunization status still remains to be improved among hospital-born children.

Key words: vaccination, western China, children

摘要: 目的 了解中国西部部分地区儿童计划免疫现状,为儿童计划免疫工作的实施和改进提供依据。 方法 采用横断面研究和多阶段抽样,通过问卷调查及抄录预防接种证信息的方法,调查了西部14个县1 159名12~23月龄儿童的基本情况和免疫接种情况。结果 调查地区儿童卡介苗、乙肝疫苗首针、乙肝疫苗三针、脊髓灰质炎疫苗三剂、百白破疫苗三针、麻疹疫苗首针和五苗全程接种合格率分别为38.6%、68.4%、34.8%、32.6%、38.5%、25.0%和2.4%。接种次数合格率分别为97.1%、99.2%、93.5%、94.4%、92.6%、54.2%和47.7%。住院分娩率和24 h内乙肝疫苗首针接种率以及卡介苗接种率存在正相关,但两种疫苗的接种率和住院分娩率仍有差距。 结论调查地区儿童免疫接种及时性较差,住院分娩儿童24 h内免疫接种状况有待提高。

关键词: 预防接种, 中国西部, 儿童

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