journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (9): 835-837.

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Epidemiological survey on birth weight in Hainan province

FAN Li-chun,LI Chao,TANG Cheng-yi   

  1. The Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Hainan Province,Haikou,Hainan 570206,China
  • Received:2012-04-19 Online:2012-09-06 Published:2012-09-06



  1. 海南省妇幼保健院,海南 海口 570206
  • 作者简介:樊利春(1970-),女,陕西人,副院长,副主任医师,硕士学位,主要研究方向为儿童保健管理、儿童生长发育
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To understand the status and epidemiological characteristics of live birth weight in Hainan province and provide proper intervention methods to decision-making department. 【Methods】 A retrospective survey was used,and data were collected from the medical certificate of birth system of Hainan province. 【Results】 103 627 live births were analyzed and their mean live birth weight was (3 101±442 )g.Live birth weight was higher in the urban areas (3 217 g) than that in the rural area (3 084 g)(t=31.2,P<0.001),the highest in the east areas (3 139 g),middle in the west areas (3 061g) and the lowest in the middle areas (3 057 g)(F=427.1,P<0.001),with a decreasing trend.Live birth weight in the first class (3 137 g),the second-class (3 086 g) and third-class rural areas (3 061 g) decreased significantly(F=131.8,P<0.001).Live birth weight with Han's parents (male 3 172,female 3 055) was the highest and with the parents in minor ethnics (male 3 041,female 2 953) was the lowest.The ratio of low birth weight was lower in the urban areas (4.8%) than that in the rural area (6.1%)(χ2=38.2,P<0.001) and the incidence of fetal macrosomia was higher in the urban areas (5.2%) than that in the rural area (2.5%)(χ2=327.5,P<0.001). 【Conclusions】 Generally,the average live birth weight in Hainan province was lower than WHO standard.A big difference in the average live birth weight between regions with varied economic development and health care condition was observed.An intervention measure should be implemented in the poverty-stricken rural areas to increase their average live birth weight.

Key words: birth weight, epidemiological survey, newborn

摘要: 【目的】 了解海南省活产新生儿出生体重状况和流学病学特点,为制定孕产期保健干预重点人群提拱科学依据。 【方法】 利用海南省出生医学证明管理系统,对活产新生儿出生体重进行回顾性调查。 【结果】 共调查海南户籍活产儿103 627人,其出生体重均值为(3 101±442)g,出生体重的分布特点为:城市(3 217 g)高于农村(3 084 g);东部、西部和中部地区(3 139 g、3 061 g、3 057 g)呈逐次下降趋势;农村Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类县出生体重(3 137 g、3 086 g、3 061 g)呈逐次下降趋势;父母均为汉族的活产儿出生体重(男3 172、女3 055)最重,父母均为少数民族的活产儿出生体重(男3 041、女2 953)最低;低出生体重发生率农村(6.1%)高于城市(4.8%),巨大儿发生率城市(5.2%)高于农村(2.5%)。 【结论】 海南活产儿平均出生体重低于WHO标准,在国内为出生体重均值较低的地区;不同地理环境和不同经济水平的地区间存在显著差别,经济和卫生保健状况相对落后的农村地区和少数民族地区是今后实施干预措施的重点地区;出生体重城市干预的重点是控制巨大儿的发生率,农村的干预重点是降低低出生体重发生率。

关键词: 出生体重, 流行病学研究, 新生儿

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