journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (8): 758-761.

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Preschool potential development education research of multiple births

CHENG Huai1,CHEN Yong-xiang1,2,ZHANG Jie1,WANG Xiu-yun1,CHEN Ning1,JI Xiao-cheng1   

  1. 1 Beijing Fortune Fountain Children Development Research Center, Beijing 100035, China;
    2 Institute of Psychology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
    3 Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing 100032, China
  • Received:2011-04-19 Online:2011-08-06 Published:2011-08-06



  1. 1 北京幸福泉儿童发展研究中心, 北京 100035;
    2 中国科学院心理研究所,北京 100101;
    3 北京协和医院,北京 100032
  • 作者简介:程淮(1954-),男,安徽人,教授,研究方向为儿童早期发展与潜能开发教育

Abstract: 【Objective】 To explore the effect of the potential development preschool education on the development of Xi quintuplets born in Hebei Province, 2002. 【Methods】 Applying the individualized education in potential development based on “evaluation-guidance-development” interactive mode, the development of Xi quintuplets was accessed each semester and the test results were analyzed statistically. 【Results】 After 31-month potential development individualized education, the average development quotient of the quintuplets rose from 97(4.1 years old)to 115 at age 6, and an average rise of 19 percentages; the intervention effect was significant. The average IQ(CRT)of the quintuplets at age 6.3 years was 124.6; the IQ of two (one boy and one girl among them), reached over 130. 【Conclusions】 The development results of the quintuplets confirm our previous research results that the individualized education, assessing each sub-field of early childhood development, is a feasible and effective form of early education.

Key words: quintuplets, individuality, early intervention (education)

摘要: 【目的】 对2002年出生的河北籍缴氏五胞胎兄妹进行教育实验研究,以考察学龄前潜能发展教育对多胞胎幼儿发展的作用。 【方法】 采用自身对照实验,对五胞胎施以“评估-指导-发展”循环互动模式为基础的个性化潜能发展教育,并对其发展进行阶段性评估,对测验结果进行统计分析。 【结果】 历经31个月的个性化潜能发展教育,五胞胎的智能发展水平由入园时(4.1岁)的平均智能发育商96.6提高到了6岁时的115,平均提高了19个百分点,干预效果显著。五胞胎6.3岁时的瑞文智商平均达124.6,其中有两人(一男一女)的智商达到130以上。 【结论】 五胞胎接受个性化潜能发展教育的结果验证了已有的研究发现,即以评估儿童各领域能力发展为基础的个性化教育是一种可行的、有效的早期教育模式。

关键词: 五胞胎, 个性, 早期干预(教育)

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