journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (7): 643-645.

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Case-control study on risk factors of sub-health neonates based on population in Shandong province

ZHOU Feng-rong, LIU Xia,ZHANG Peng, CHEN Zhi-xin, LIU Wen-zhu   

  1. Department of Maternal and Child Health, Shandong Provincial Maternal and Children Health Institute, Jinan, Shandong 250014, China
  • Received:2011-02-09 Online:2011-07-06 Published:2011-07-06



  1. 山东省妇幼保健所,山东 济南 250014
  • 作者简介:周凤荣(1964-),女,山东人,主任医师,硕士学位,主要从事妇幼保健及妇幼卫生监测等流行病学研究
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the possible risk factors of sub-health neonates in Shandong province. 【Methods】 A population-based case-control study was carried out on 1 073 cases of sub-health neonates and 1 073 controls. The parents of cases and controls were interviewed with a uniformed questionnaire. The incidence was calculated and chi-square test was made to probe the statistical sense of exposure of risk factors using statistical software SPSS15.0. Conditional logistic regression model was used for multivariate analysis on SPSS. 【Results】 The chi-square test and multiple factor logistic regression analysis showed that some risk factors were mothers' age, fathers' smoking, mothers' passive smoking, raising pets, premature rupture of membrane, polyembryony, virus infection, pregnancy hypertension, taking nalgesics, tocolytic agent, morthers' exposure to noise, agricultural chemicals, and bad moral irritation, fathers' exposure to hor-mone drug. 【Conclusions】 The incidence of sub-health neonates is associated with many factors. Intended measures to prevent those risk factors could be effective in reducing the incidence of Sub-health Neonates.

Key words: sub-health neonate, risk factors, case-control study, based on population

摘要: 【目的】 探讨山东省亚健康出生新生儿的危险因素。 【方法】 采用以人群为基础的1∶1配比的病例对照研究方法,以统一的调查表及调查方式对1 073例亚健康出生新生儿和对照的父母进行了调查,应用SPSS软件对所有调查因素进行单因素及多因素条件Logistic回归分析。 【结果】 新生儿亚健康出生的主要危险因素是:母亲接触农药(OR=37.972)、母亲被动吸烟(OR=52.314)、妊高症(OR=41.858)、父亲接触化学物质(OR=37.972)、病毒感染(OR=32.967)、孕期饲养宠物(OR=25.338)、母亲年龄(OR=23.671)、保胎药(OR=11.213)、父亲吸烟(OR=8.420)、双胎妊娠(OR=8.058)、孕期服用解热镇痛药(OR=6.618)、母亲接触噪音(OR=6.585)、胎膜早破(OR=5.983)及孕期不良精神因素(OR=4.989)。家庭人均收入(OR=0.753)高是新生儿亚健康出生的保护性因素。 【结论】 亚健康出生新生儿的发生和多种因素有关, 有针对性地开展防治工作是降低亚健康出生新生儿发生率的有效措施。

关键词: 亚健康出生新生儿, 危险因素, 病例对照, 以人群为基础

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