journal1 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 81-83.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2015-23-01-26

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Investigation on children neglect among urban preschoolers of Tongling City.

TANG Yin-xia1,2,HAO Jia-hu1,CHEN Shang-hui2   

  1. 1 Public Health College,Anhui Medical University,Hefei,Anhui 230032,China; 2 Tongling Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Tongling,Anhui 244000,China
  • Received:2014-07-05 Online:2015-01-10 Published:2015-01-10
  • Contact: HAO Jia-hu,



  1. 1 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院,安徽 合肥 230032; 2 铜陵市妇幼保健院,安徽 铜陵 244000
  • 通讯作者: 郝加虎,
  • 作者简介:汤银霞(1982-),女,主治医师,MPH在读,主要从事儿童保健工作
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To explore the status of children neglect among urban preschoolers of Tongling area,and to investigate the influence factors of neglected preschoolers. Method A total of 1 650 children in nurseries who were sampled randomly from urban of Tongling area in stratified and cluster sampled were investigated by a self-designed demographic questionnaire and "Evaluation Questionnaire of Neglect Children Aged 3~6 years in China". Results The total neglect rate,neglect degree and neglect score of urban preschoolers were 35.5%,58.35 and 159.29 respectively.Neglected children were dominated by a single type(51.9) and were relatively small by more than 4 subscales(14.6%).The main factors affected the children neglect were family atmosphere,impulsiveness and irritability of the mother,the mother's education,whether being only one child,the child's primary caregiver,the average monthly household income of nearly a year and so on. Conclusion The status of child neglect among urban preschoolers in Tongling city is serious,and social and families should pay more attention to this issue.

Key words: children neglect, preschoolers, urban

摘要: 目的 了解铜陵市城区学龄前儿童忽视现况,探讨学龄前儿童忽视的影响因素。方法 采用分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取铜陵市城区9所有代表性的幼儿园,共1 650名儿童,采取自行设计的一般人口学问卷和“中国3~6岁城区儿童忽视状况评价问卷”对儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果 铜陵市城区学龄前儿童总忽视率为35.5%,总忽视度为58.35,忽视总分值为159.29,儿童受单一种类忽视为主(51.9%),同时受4种以上忽视的比率较小(14.6%),影响忽视的主要因素有家庭气氛、母亲易冲动烦躁、母亲文化程度、是否独生子女、是否为子女的主要照顾人、以及家庭近一年的平均月收入等。结论 铜陵市学龄前儿童的忽视状况比较严重,社会和家庭应当关注和重视。

关键词: 儿童忽视, 学龄前儿童, 城区

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