中国儿童保健杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 654-657.

• 临床研究与分析 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1 厦门大学附属第一医院医院感染管理部,福建 厦门 361003;
    2 福建省疾病预防控制中心,福建 福州 350000
  • 收稿日期:2012-07-24 发布日期:2013-06-06 出版日期:2013-06-06
  • 作者简介:秦维霞(1976-),女,主管护师,本科学历,主要从事疫情和死亡报告管理。

Epidemic feature analysis of children under-five mortality cause in Xiamen city,2007~2011.

QIN Wei-xia1,ZHU Han-song2,YE Li-juan1,HUANG Hui-ping1.   

  1. The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian 361003,China;
    2 The Disease Prevention and Control of Fujian Province,Fuzhou,Fujian 350000,China
  • Received:2012-07-24 Online:2013-06-06 Published:2013-06-06

摘要: 目的 探讨2007-2011年厦门市5岁以下儿童死因流行特征,为制定预防控制策略提供科学依据。 方法 对厦门市卫生机构2007-2011年通过全国疾病监测系统报告的5岁以下儿童死亡数据进行流行特征分析。 结果 2007-2011年死亡率呈上升趋势(χ2趋势=92.68,P<0.01)。新生儿、婴儿、1~5岁及5岁以下儿童死亡率‰分别为1.76‰、3.02‰、1.13‰和4.13‰。前3位死因死亡率分别为围生期(1.40‰)、出生缺陷(0.87‰)和伤害(0.44‰),合计构成比为65.53%。男性死亡率(4.81‰)显著高于女性(3.42‰)(χ2=23.57,P<0.01)。乡村死亡率(5.59‰)显著高于城镇(3.75‰)(χ2=36.42,P<0.01)。地市级综合医院是最主要就诊医疗单位。 结论 围生期、出生缺陷和伤害是2007-2011年厦门市5岁以下儿童的重要死因,婴儿期最为严重,有关部门可以针对性地采取预防措施。

关键词: 5岁以下儿童死亡率, 围生期疾病, 出生缺陷, 伤害, 死因

Abstract: Objective To explore epidemic features of children under-five mortality cause in Xiamen City,in order to provide scientific basis for formulating control and prevention measures. Method The mortality data that reported by health institutions in Xiamen City through the national disease surveillance system during 2007 to 2011 were studied to describe the level and distribution of children under-five mortality. Results Under 5 mortality rate(U5MR) increased with years from 2007 to 2011(χ2trend=92.68,P<0.01).Mortality rate of neonates,infants,1~ 5 years of ages and children under-five were 1.76‰,3.02‰,1.13‰ and 4.13‰ respectively.The 3 top causes of U5MR were the perinatal period disease(1.40‰),birth defects(0.87‰) and injury(0.44‰) respectively,which together constituted a 65.53% ratio.The difference of U5MR between male(4.81‰) and female(3.42‰) was statistically significant(χ2=23.57,P<0.01).And U5MR in rural(5.59‰) were higher than that in town(3.75‰)(χ2=36.42,P<0.01).Municipal General Hospital was the main medical institutions. Conclusion Perinatal period disease,birth defects and injury are important causes of U5MR,while infants is the most ages,so strategy that control and prevention U5MR can be formulated according to death spectrum.

Key words: under 5 mortality rate, perinatal period disease, birth defects, injury, cause of death
