journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (10): 869-871.

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School bullying behavior among elementary migrant school children and its relation with self-perceived school psychosocial environment

JIANG Xiao-xiao,SHI Hui-jing,LI Dan,ZHANG Bo-lin,ZHANG Yue,WANG Wen   

  1. School of Public Health/Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety,Ministry of Education,Fudan University,Shanghai 200032,China
  • Received:2012-05-30 Online:2012-10-06 Published:2012-10-06



  1. 复旦大学公共卫生学院 复旦大学公共卫生安全教育部重点实验室,上海 200032
  • 通讯作者: 史慧静,
  • 作者简介:江小小(1984-) ,女,北京人,在读博士,主要研究方向为青少年健康行为
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the prevalence of school bullying behavior of migrant children and its relation to school's psychosocial environment. 【Method】 The past and current victimization and self-perceived school psychosocial environment were asked by questionnaires administered to 511 migrant students of 4th and 5th grade from 5 migrant elementary schools in Shanghai by random cluster sampling. 【Results】 28% of the students reported being bullied before and 5.5% of the students were being bullied in this semester.Students involved in bullying behaviors reported a higher percentage of feeling insecurity,self-perceived school violence,discrimination from teacher.Bully-victims score was highest in trouble score. 【Conclusions】 School bullying and victimization is closely related to students' self-perceived psychosocial environment.A focus on school- based intervention and surveillance on bullying behaviors is critically needed.

Key words: migrant children, school bullying, psycho-social environment

摘要: 【目的】 调查城市民办农民工学校小学生的校园欺负行为发生现状,并探究与其校园社会心理环境因素的关联。 【方法】 在上海市5所民办农民工小学中以班级为单位随机整群抽取四、五年级共511名学生,利用自填问卷方式了解其现在和曾经的欺负与被欺负行为、自感校园社会心理环境及烦恼等情况。 【结果】 曾经有过被欺负经历的学生比例达28%,现在(本学期)受欺负的报告率为5.5%。不同卷入欺负事件类型的学生的“不安全感”、“自感学校斗殴频繁”、认为“教师歧视成绩差学生”的比例均显著高于与未卷入欺负行为学生,且烦恼得分也显著高于未卷入学生。 【结论】 城市民办农民工学校小学生的欺负行为与校园社会心理环境因素密切相关,应加强校园良好人际关系的干预,减少和杜绝校园欺负行为。

关键词: 农民工小学生, 校园欺负行为, 校园社会心理

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