journal1 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (11): 1218-1220.

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Analysis on physical examination results of children aged 0~6 years in 2010-2012 in Daan of Zigong city

YANG Ying   

  1. Daan District Maternal and Child Health Care Centre of Zigong City,Zigong,Sichuan 643010,China
  • Received:2013-03-13 Online:2013-11-06 Published:2013-11-06



  1. 自贡市大安区妇幼保健院保健科,四川 自贡 643010
  • 作者简介:杨英(1968-),女,四川人,主管护师,大专学历,主要研究方向为儿童保健。

Abstract: Objectives To analyze the physical examination results of children aged 0~6 years in 2010-2012 in Daan of Zigong city,and provide a scientific basis for the future foundation of children's health care and the prevention of childhood diseases. Methods Height compliance rate,weight compliance rate,the detection rate of stunting,the detection rate of anemia,the detection rate of dental caries of children aged 0~6 years in 2010-2012 were selected from the examination results in Daan of Zigong city,then analyzed the differences of these indexes in children of different ages in 2010,2011,2012. Results Height compliance rate,weight compliance rate and the detection rate of anemia were increased (P<0.05) year by year in different ages in 2010-2012;the detection rate of stunting in 2011 was higher than 2010 (P<0.05),but it had downward trend in 2012;the detection rate of dental caries had no significant difference in 2010-2012 under 3 years old children (χ2=3.877,P=0.144),but it was increased in 3~5 years old children year by year and decreased over 5 years old. Conclusion The physical development of children aged 0~6 years have a good tread these year,but with other developmental retardation,such as language and intelligence,so we need to focus on children's health education,also anemia and elderly dental caries in children should be taken seriously and preventive and strengthened the intervention in crowd.

Key words: physical examination of children, control rates, mild anemia, dental caries

摘要: 目的 通过分析自贡市大安区2010-2012年0~6岁儿童体检资料,为今后儿童卫生保健工作奠定基础和儿童疾病的预防提供科学依据。方法 收集自贡市大安区2010-2012年0~6岁儿童体检资料,分析比较不同年龄组儿童2010、2011、2012三年间身高、体重达标率,发育迟缓检出率,贫血患病率,龋齿患病率等。结果 不同年龄段儿童2010-2012年间身高(身长)、体重达标率、贫血检出率逐年上升(P<0.05); 2011年发育迟缓率明显高于2010年(P<0.05),到2012年呈一定的下降趋势;3岁以下儿童龋齿检出率在2010-2012年间差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.877,P=0.144),3~5岁儿童龋齿检出率逐渐上升,而5岁以上儿童龋齿检出率逐年下降。结论 自贡市大安区0~6岁儿童体格发育状况近年来呈现良好趋势,但是存在其他发育迟缓的现象,例如言语发育迟缓、智力发育迟缓等,需要注重儿童健康教育,同时贫血和高龄儿童龋齿应得到重视并做好预防保健工作,加强人群干预。

关键词: 儿童体检, 达标率, 轻度贫血, 龋齿

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