journal1 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (11): 1181-1184.

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Feeding status of children under 2 years old in poor rural areas of Gansu province in 2007-2009

ZHAO Wen-li,HE Jian,CHEN Rui,CAI Mei,WANG Wen-long,YANG Hai-xia   

  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Gansu Province Lanzhou,Gansu 730000,China
  • Received:2013-03-01 Online:2013-11-06 Published:2013-11-06



  1. 甘肃省疾病预防控制中心,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 作者简介:赵文莉(1983-),女,甘肃人,主管医师,硕士学位,主要从事公共卫生项目工作。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To analyze feeding status of children under 2 years old in the poor rural areas of Gansu province in 2007-2009. Methods Feeding status of 672 infants to study were studied who were selected from the program of "Surveillance of health-related risk factor of children under 6 years old in poor rural areas" and "Study on appropriate technology of children under-nutrition improvement in poor rural areas".SPSS software was used for statistical analysis. Results The rate of almost exclusive breast-feeding of children under 6 months in poor rural areas of Gansu province in different years had statistical significance(χ2=9.068,P=0.011).It was 59.5% in 2008,and dropped to 45.0% in 2009.There were 75.8% of infants and young children without breast-feeding because of mother's milk was not enough.Approximately 19.0% of infants and young children were weaned under 6 months of age,13.4% of infants and young children were given complementary food in 6 months of age correctly. Conclusion The study demonstrated that it is unreasonable of feeding status of children under 2 years old in the poor rural areas of Gansu province,and we must carry out health education universally about knowledge of infant feeding.

Key words: poor rural areas, infants and young children, feeding status

摘要: 目的 分析2007-2009年甘肃省贫困农村地区0~23月龄婴幼儿喂养状况。方法 利用科技支撑项目“贫困地区6岁以下儿童营养健康状况相关危险因素监测”及“贫困农村地区儿童营养缺乏改善适宜技术的研究”资料,研究分析672名0~23月龄婴幼儿喂养状况,应用SPSS软件进行统计分析。结果 甘肃省贫困农村地区6月龄内婴幼儿不同年度母乳喂养率差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.068,P=0.011),2008年母乳喂养率较高为59.5%,2009年下降为45.0%。约75.8%的婴幼儿由于母乳不够而无法被母乳喂养。19.0%的婴幼儿不到6月龄就断奶;仅13.4%的婴幼儿在6月龄正确添加了辅食。结论 甘肃省贫困农村地区0~23月龄婴幼儿喂养方式尚不合理,应加强开展普及婴幼儿喂养知识的健康教育工作。

关键词: 贫困农村, 婴幼儿, 喂养状况

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