journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 177-179.

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Management situation analyses about 230 sickliness children.

WANG Jing-bo,LI Er   

  1. Haishu District Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Ningbo,Ningbo,Zhejiang 315012,China
  • Received:2011-09-03 Online:2012-02-06 Published:2012-02-06



  1. 宁波市海曙区妇幼保健院,浙江 宁波 315012
  • 作者简介:王静波(1977-),女,浙江人,主管医师,本科学历,主要从事儿童保健工作

Abstract: 【Objective】 To realize the occurrence of attractors among the sickliness children,and know the difficulties and problems about basic-level hospitals in managementing the sickliness children,then discusses the better management methods. 【Method】 The data collected about the sickliness children between January 2008 and December 2009 in our children-care outpatient clinic,then analyzed them by entrying into SPSS statistical package 16.0. 【Results】 In these 230 cases congenital heart disease accounted 76 cases (accounted for 33.04%), anemia 56 cases (accounted for 24.35%),premature birth or born underweight 48 cases accounted for 20.87%),they were all no significant gender differences.As the incidence analysis,local children were significantly higher than the floating children. And sickliness children rated in migrant children. 【Conclusion】 The emphases and difficulty should be understood on management in basic-level hospitals of sickliness children,then more attentions should be paid in their perinatal stage to strengthen the infant nutrition guidance,reduce the incidence of sickliness children and improve their quality of life.

Key words: sickliness children, management, care

摘要: 【目的】 了解本区体弱儿的发生情况及基层医院对体弱儿管理方面存在的困难和问题,探讨更好的针对体弱儿的管理方法。【方法】 对2008年1月1日-2009年12月31日在本院儿保门诊进行管理的体弱儿资料进行汇总,并录入SPSS 16.0统计软件包进行分析。【结果】 230例体弱儿病例中,先天性心脏病76例(占33.04%),营养性缺铁性贫血56例(占24.35%),早产或出生低体重48例(占20.87%),性别差异无统计学意义。从体弱儿发生率分析,流动儿童明显高于本地儿童,并且2009年流动儿童的体弱儿发生率也比2008年高。【结论】 了解基层医院对体弱儿管理重点、难点所在,做好围生期保健工作,加强婴幼儿营养指导,降低体弱儿的发生率,提高体弱儿童的生活质量。

关键词: 体弱儿, 管理, 保健

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