Chinese Journal of Child Health Care ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 608-612.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2024-0005

• Original Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Association between parenting style and entertainment screen time in pre-adolescence children and adolescents

CAO Hui1*, CHEN Jing2*, SHAN Rui2, XIAO Wucai2, ZHANG Xiaorui3, LIU Zheng2   

  1. 1. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking University,Beijing 100191, China;
    2. Department of Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing100191, China;
    3. Pediatrics Department of Peking University People's Hospital, Peking University
  • Received:2024-01-03 Revised:2024-02-04 Online:2024-06-10 Published:2024-06-03
  • Contact: LIU Zheng, E-mail:;ZHANG Xiaorui,E-mail:icy.


曹慧1*, 陈敬2*, 单蕊2, 肖伍才2, 张晓蕊3, 刘峥2   

  1. 1.北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系,北京 100191;
    2.北京大学公共卫生学院妇幼卫生学系,北京 100191;
  • 通讯作者: 刘峥,E-mail:;张晓蕊,
  • 作者简介:曹慧(2001-),女,在读本科生,主要研究方向为流行病与卫生统计学; 陈敬(1998-),女,在读博士研究生,主要研究方向为儿少卫生与妇幼保健学。注:*共同第一作者。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To explore the association between parenting style and entertainment screen time in pre-adolescence children and adolescents aged 10 - 15,in order to provide reference for individualized guidance for entertainment screen time. Methods The Chinese Family Panel Studies(CFPS) database was utilized to include 1 905 children and adolescents aged 10 - 15 with complete data on their parenting styles and weekly entertainment screen time in 2020. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the association between parenting style and weekly entertainment screen time. Results After adjusting for children's age, sex, region, urban/rural, parental education level, parental depressive symptoms, andfamily average monthly income, it was found that children and adolescents who received authoritative parenting had a 36.7% reduced risk of excessive weekly entertainment screen time(>14 hours per week) compared to those who received non-authoritative parenting(OR=0.633, 95%CI: 0.405 - 0.991, P=0.046). This association persisted across various subgroups, including sex, urban/rural, region, parental education level, and depressive symptoms(Pfor interaction>0.05). Conclusions Authoritative parenting is associated with lower levels of entertainment screen time in children and adolescents aged 10 - 15. This study provides a scientific basis for future personalized guidance on children and adolescents' entertainment screen time based on parenting styles.

Key words: parenting style, screen time, association, pre-adolescence, children and adolescents

摘要: 目的 探讨父母教养方式与青春前期(10~15岁)儿童青少年娱乐性视屏时长的关联,为儿童青少年娱乐性视屏时长的个性化指导提供依据。方法 在中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)研究中,纳入最近一次2020年调查中父母教养方式与娱乐性视屏时长数据完整的10~15岁儿童青少年1 905名。采用Logistic回归模型分析父母教养方式与儿童青少年娱乐性视屏时长的关联。结果 校正年龄、性别、地区、城乡、父母文化程度和抑郁情况、家庭人均月收入后,接受权威型教养方式的儿童青少年相比于接受非权威型(忽视型、溺爱型、专制型)教养方式者的每周娱乐性视屏时长过长(>14小时)行为的风险降低36.7%(OR=0.633,95%CI:0.405~0.991,P =0.046);未发现该关联在性别、地区、城乡、家庭经济收入、父母文化程度、父母抑郁情况等亚组间存在差异(P交互>0.05)。结论 父母权威型教养方式与10~15岁儿童青少年较少娱乐性视屏时长相关。本研究为未来基于教养方式对儿童青少年视屏行为进行个性化指导提供了科学依据。

关键词: 教养方式, 视屏时长, 关联, 青春前期, 儿童青少年

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