Retrospective study of 1 066 cases in hyperphenylalaninemia in past 20 years
LI Xiao-wen1, WANG Lin2, SHEN Ming2, HE Chun3, ZHOU Zhong-shu2, WANG Kun-di2, YANG Ling2, YU Wei-min3
1 Department of Nutrition; 2 Department of Pediatrics; 3 Department of China-Japan Friendship Institute, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029, China
LI Xiao-wen, WANG Lin, SHEN Ming, HE Chun, ZHOU Zhong-shu, WANG Kun-di, YANG Ling, YU Wei-min. Retrospective study of 1 066 cases in hyperphenylalaninemia in past 20 years[J]. journal1, 2011, 19(6): 521-523.
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