journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (5): 412-414.

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Prevalence of adversity and its relationship with psychosocial problems and strengths among rural adloscents

CUI Nai-xue, CAO Feng-lin, LI Yu-li   

  1. Nursing School of Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250012, China
  • Received:2010-12-23 Online:2011-05-06 Published:2011-05-06



  1. 山东大学护理学院,山东 济南 250012
  • 通讯作者: 曹枫林,
  • 作者简介:崔乃雪(1988-), 女, 山东人, 硕士在读, 研究方向为儿童青少年心理卫生
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To explore the prevalence of adversity and its relationship with psychosocial problems and strengths among rural adolescents. 【Methods】 954 rural adolescents were selected from 6 cities of Shandong province and asked to complete the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), self-administered Adolescent Adversity Questionnaire and self-ministered questionnaire for genenral information. 【Results】 The prevalence of adversity among rural adolescents was 93.50%. Three kinds of adversity, exam anxiety, parents substance abusing and witness of traffic accidents, were highly reported. The prevalence of adversity among boys was higher than that of girls (P<0.01), and adolescents aged 16~18 years old were more possiple to suffer commulative adversity (P<0.01). The SDQ scores of emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity-inattention and total difficulties in commulative adverstiy group were higher than the scores in groups with none and single adversity (P<0.01), which were significantly correlated with the number of adversities, which was significantly negative correlated with prosocial behavior(r=0.13~0.23,P<0.01) 【Conclusions】 The prevalence of adversity of rural adolescents is high. Statistic associations are found between the number of adversity and adolesents' psychosocial problems, which means the more advesity sufferred, the more serious difficulties the adolescents may have.

Key words: adolescents, adversity, psychosocial problems

摘要: 【目的】 探讨农村青少年逆境发生的情况及其与情绪行为问题的关系。 【方法】 选取山东省东、中、西部6个城市、12个农村的954名农村青少年, 采用长处和困难问卷自评版、青少年逆境调查问卷和一般信息问卷对其进行调查。 【结果】 青少年无逆境组、单一逆境组、累积逆境组(逆境数量≥2)人数所占比例分别为6.50%、13.84%、79.66%; 考试紧张焦虑、父母物质滥用、目击交通事故等逆境报告率较高,分别为51.99%、34.59%、33.12%; 不同性别、不同年龄段间逆境发生情况差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.84, P<0.05;χ=20.17,P<0.01); 累积逆境组情绪症状、品行问题、多动/注意不能因子评分和困难总分显著高于单一逆境组和无逆境组(P<0.05或<0.01);逆境的数量与情绪症状、品行问题、多动/注意不能、同伴关系因子评分和困难总分呈显著正相关(rs=0.07~0.23,P<0.05或<0.01),与亲社会行为因子评分呈显著负相关(rs =0.13,P<0.01)。 【结论】 青少年逆境的发生率较高, 且随着逆境种类的增加, 情绪行为问题加重;但逆境与青少年情绪行为问题的关系尚待进一步探讨。

关键词: 青少年, 逆境, 情绪行为问题

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