journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 368-370.

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Growth and development status of preschool children from three kindergartens in Taiyuan

YUAN Chen-shan   

  1. Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030001, China
  • Received:2010-09-19 Online:2011-04-06 Published:2011-04-06



  1. 山西医科大学营养与食品卫生教研室,山西太原 030001
  • 作者简介:原陈珊(1984-),女,山西人,在读硕士,研究方向为营养与慢性病

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the physical development of children who were in three kindergartens from Taiyuan and evaluate the growth status and nutritional status of them, raise some better opinion. 【Methods】 The body weight and height of 772 preschool children(boys 383, grils 389)aged 3 to 6 years old in the 3 kindergartens of Taiyuan city were measured by the unitive measurements. The WHO Child Growth Standards and China Child Growth Standards were used to compute the Z-scores by SPSS16.0, and were compared with 2002 National nutrition survey. 【Result】 The rates of malnutrition, stunting, underweight and overweight which accounted by two standards were lower than average level of whole country, rates of obesity was equal to whole country. 【Conclusions】 The growth and development of the children are better than WHO standards and 2009 national growth standards. The growth development status of these children are fine. The results given by two standards are similar.

Key words: preschool children, growth and development, growth standards

摘要: 【目的】 调查太原市3所幼儿园儿童生长发育状况,提出改进意见。 【方法】 采用全国统一的测量方法,测量3所幼儿园772名儿童(男383,女389)的身高和体重。使用SPSS16.0进行分析,运用2006WHO儿童生长发育标准和2009年我国7岁以下儿童生长发育参照标准分别计算Z评分,与2002年中国居民营养与健康调查结果比较。 【结果】 营养不良率、生长迟缓率、消瘦率及超重率按照两标准计算所得结果均低于全国城市平均水平,肥胖发生率与2002年全国水平相当。 【结论】 本次调查儿童体格发育总体上优于WHO标准水平和我国2002年标准,生长发育状况良好。另外,运用我国标准与WHO标准所得结论总体上较接近。

关键词: 学龄前儿童, 生长发育, 标准

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