journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 363-365.

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Clinical observation of premature thelarche in 162 infants and young children

ZOU Yi, FANG Qian, CHENG Ying, SHENG Xiao-mei, HUANG An-yuan, LIU Ya, QIAN Yong   

  1. Department of Children Health Care of Panzhihua Matemal and Child Health Care Hospital, Panzhihua, Sichuan 617000, China
  • Received:2010-11-03 Online:2011-04-06 Published:2011-04-06



  1. 攀枝花市妇幼保健院儿保科,四川 攀枝花 617000
  • 作者简介:邹奕(1980-),女,四川人,医师,硕士学位,主要从事儿童保健工作

Abstract: 【Objective】 To explore characteristic of premature thelarche and rate of central precocious puberty in these children. 【Methods】 162 infants and young children(1 month~3.4 years old) were given regular physical examination and follow-up from July of 2007 to August of 2010. Children who were with breast nodus disappear and reproductive, more than 2 years old and 2.5 cm of breast size were received examinations of abdomen and breast ultrasonography, sex hormone and bone age, some of them were taken into GnRH provocation test. 【Results】 Rate of breast nodus disappearance before 2.5 years old was 91.98%, majority of breast nodus was appear before 2 years old and frequently seen in 5 to 8 months infants. The most feeding pattern was breast feeding and breast-cow's milk mixed feeding was more than cow's milk feeding in premature thelarche infants and young children. Breast size, number of breast nodus reproductive and bilateral breast nodus appeared were no significant difference in different feeding ways. Results of ultrasonography were mammillary nucleus developed, uterus undeveloped and normal adrenal gland. All children were not accelerated linear growth and occur other sexual characteristics in follow-up period. Rate of abnormal in ovary, sex hormone and bone age was 2.47%, these abnormal children were negative in GnRH provocation test, they could not diagnose central precocious puberty. 【Conclusion】 Premature thelarche in infants and young children is generally benign conditions, but they should be followed-up for finding out CPP in time.

Key words: infants and young children, premature thelarche, central precocious puberty

摘要: 【目的】 了解婴幼儿乳房早发育的特点及其发展为中枢性性早熟的比率。 【方法】 对2007年7月—2010年8月在本院进行体检发现乳房结节的162名1月~3.4岁的婴幼儿进行定期体检、随访,年龄>2岁、乳房结节2.5 cm及乳房结节退而复现的患儿,均进行腹部、乳房B超,性激素、骨龄等相关检查。据病情需要进行GnRH激发试验、头颅MRI检查。 【结果】 乳房结节最常见出现年龄在5~8月龄,到2岁半消失者达96.91%,出现乳房结节患儿的喂养方式中纯母乳喂养>混合喂养>人工喂养。不同喂养方式在患儿乳房结节大小、乳房结节退而复现及乳房结节单侧或双侧出现方面差异均无统计学意义。卵巢、性激素及骨龄异常者占乳房早发育的2.47%,GnRH激发试验均阴性,中枢性性早熟的发生率为0。 【结论】 婴幼儿乳房早发育大多是一种良性情况,但应注意观察随诊,以便早期发现中枢性性早熟的征象,及时干预治疗。

关键词: 婴幼儿, 乳房早发育, 中枢性性早熟

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