journal1 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 254-257.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2018-26-03-07

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Analysis of the current status of outdoor activity time of Chinese students in 2016

XU Rong-bin, GAO Di, WANG Zheng-he, ZOU Zhi-yong, HU Pei-jin, MA Jun, SONG Yi   

  1. Institute of Child and Adolescent Health,School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China
  • Received:2017-06-20 Online:2018-03-10 Published:2018-03-10
  • Contact: MA Jun,;SONG Yi,


徐荣彬, 高迪, 王政和, 邹志勇, 胡佩瑾, 马军, 宋逸   

  1. 北京大学公共卫生学院,北京大学儿童青少年卫生研究所,北京 100191
  • 通讯作者: 马军,;宋逸,
  • 作者简介:徐荣彬(1993-),男,江西人,在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为儿童生长发育及其影响因素。
  • 基金资助:
    国家体育总局(2017B025); 国家自然科学基金(81302442)

Abstract: Objective To investigate the current status of daily outdoor time of Chinese students. Methods Data were extracted from the National Monitoring of Common Diseases and Health Risk Factors among Students finished from September 2016 to December 2016.A total of 146 054 students' questionnaire Results about outdoor activity from 19 provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities) were used to analyze the current status of outdoor activity time per day for Chinese students. Results In 2016,the proportion of Chinese students who spent less than 1 hour,1~2 hours,2~4 hours and more than 4 hours for outdoor activities per day was 35.3%,39.0%,18.4% and 7.3% respectively.For the prevalence of less than 1 hour outdoor activity per day:female students (39.3%) was higher than male students (31.1%),suburban counties (36.9%) were higher than urban areas (34.2%),regular high school (48.5%)> university (39.8%)> junior high school (32.6%)> vocational high school (31.4%)> primary school (27.4%),poor social-economical region(36.6%)> medium social-economical region (35.2%)> good social-economical region (34.0%),central provinces (38.8%)> western provinces (35.2%)> eastern provinces (32.8%),the differences were all statistically significant (P<0.001).The prevalence of less than 1 hour outdoor activity per day changed with the grade significantly,peaking at third year in high school,which was closely related to academic burden.Gender differences became obvious after junior one.Hebei,Jiangxi,Henan,Anhui had the highest prevalence of less than 1 hour outdoor activity per day (more than 40%),while Beijing,Fujian,Guangdong showed the lowest prevalence (less than 30%). Conclusions In general,the daily outdoor activity time of Chinese students is low,especially among girls and regular high school students.The outdoor activities should be combined with the physical exercise,and the academic burden of students should be fully considered.

Key words: China, students, outdoor activity, status analysis

摘要: 目的 分析我国学生每日户外活动时间现状,为学生近视防控提供科学数据支持。方法 利用2016年9-12月开展的全国学生常见病及健康危险因素监测资料,选取全国19个省(自治区、直辖市)共146 054名学生问卷调查结果,分析我国学生每天户外活动时间现状。结果 2016年我国学生每天户外活动时间不到1 h、1~2 h、2~4 h、>4 h分别占35.3%、39.0%、18.4%、7.3%。每天户外活动时间不到1 h的报告率:女生(39.3%)高于男生(31.1%),郊县(36.9%)高于城区(34.2%),普通高中(48.5%)>大学(39.8%)>初中(32.6%)>职业高中(31.4%)>小学(27.4%),差片(36.6%)>中片(35.2%)>好片(34.0%),中部(38.8%)>西部(35.2%)>东部(32.8%),差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。每天户外时间不足1 h的报告率随年级变化明显,在高三达到顶峰,与各年级课业负担密切相关,性别差异在初一之后开始变得明显。河北、江西、河南、安徽等省份学生每天户外活动时间不足1 h的报告率最高,均超过40%,而北京、福建、广东最低,均低于30%。结论 我国学生每天户外活动时间偏低,其中女生、普通高中生户外活动不足情况尤其明显,学生户外活动应与体育锻炼有机结合,并充分考虑学生课业负担。

关键词: 中国, 学生, 户外活动, 现状分析

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