中国儿童保健杂志 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 357-359.

• 临床研究与分析 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京市朝阳区疾病预防控制中心,北京 100021
  • 收稿日期:2010-08-17 发布日期:2011-04-06 出版日期:2011-04-06
  • 作者简介:巴蕾(1973-),女,辽宁人,副主任医师,硕士学位,主要研究方向为营养与食品卫生

Anemia investigation of migrant children under 5 in Chaoyang district

BA Lei   

  1. Chaoyang District Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Beijing 100021, China
  • Received:2010-08-17 Online:2011-04-06 Published:2011-04-06

摘要: 【目的】 了解5岁以下流动儿童的贫血患病情况及影响因素。 【方法】 血红蛋白<110 g/L做为儿童贫血诊断标准。采用氰化高铁法测定血红蛋白含量并计算贫血率。问卷调查对朝阳区490名5岁以下流动儿童进行健康状况调查。 【结果】 5岁以下儿童贫血患病率5.71%,1岁以下婴幼儿患病率最高,为14.77%。随年龄增长患病率下降。母亲的不同文化程度、职业和每月孩子的消费与儿童贫血的发生无显著相关;经单因素分析,1岁以下、低出生体重、0~6月龄儿童非纯母乳喂养、未添加辅食导致儿童贫血患病率高发。经多因素分析,出生低体重、未添加辅食、过去两周是否有腹泻和呼吸道疾病以及是否纯母乳喂养是儿童贫血患病的影响因素。 【结论】 流动儿童喂养存在不合适之处,建议相关部门重视流动儿童及乳母的卫生保健服务,指导婴幼儿合理喂养,提高流动儿童营养状况和健康水平。

关键词: 贫血, 低体重, 辅食, 流动儿童

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the anemia status and other impact factors of migrant children under 5. 【Methods】 The content of haemoglobin was measured by cyanmethemoglobin, the diagnostic criterion was 110 g/L. The relationship were analysed between anemia and other factors with questionnaires for 490 migrant children under 5 cluster sampled from Chaoyang district. 【Results】 The prevalence of anemia for migrant children under 5 was 5.71%, and the prevalence under 1 was 14.77%. With univariate analyses, smaller age, low birth weight, non-complementary food feeding and non EBF under 6 months were increase the risk of anemia. While, low birth weight, non-complementary food feeding, diarrhea and pulmonary disorder during the last two weeks and EBF were the impact factors for children anemia with multivariate analyses. 【Conclusion】 The necessary actions should be taken for migrant children to improve their nutrition and health status.

Key words: anemia, low birth weight, complementary food, migrant child
