中国儿童保健杂志 ›› 2025, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 173-179.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2024-0741

• 科研论著 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘琴1, 宗心南2, 乔亚南3, 任红雁1, 王明雪1, 刘雨萌1, 李少丽1, 席波3, 刘军廷4   

  1. 1.首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院超声科,北京 100020;
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-25 修回日期:2024-09-05 发布日期:2025-02-12 出版日期:2025-02-10
  • 通讯作者: 席波,;刘军廷,
  • 作者简介:刘琴(1984—),女,副主任医师,硕士学位,主要研究方向为儿童心血管健康。
  • 基金资助:

Development of percentile reference values of kidney size in healthy children aged 6 - 12 years

LIU Qin1, ZONG Xinnan2, QIAO Ya′nan3, REN Hongyan1, WANG Mingxue1, LIU Yumeng1, LI Shaoli1, XI Bo3, LIU Junting4   

  1. 1. Department of Ultrasound, Children′s Hospital of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing 100020, China;
    2. Department of Child Growth and Development, Capital Institute of Pediatrics;
    3. Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Shandong University;
    4. Child Health Big Data Research Center, Capital Institute of Pediatrics
  • Received:2024-06-25 Revised:2024-09-05 Online:2025-02-10 Published:2025-02-12
  • Contact: XI Bo, E-mail:; LIU Junting, E-mail:

摘要: 目的 建立6~12岁健康儿童性别、年龄别肾脏尺寸百分位数参考标准,为评估儿童肾脏发育和相关疾病诊断提供参考依据。方法 采用横断面调查设计,于2023年5月采用整群随机抽样的方法选取北京市通州区2所小学6~12岁健康儿童作为研究人群。使用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪测量研究对象的双侧肾脏尺寸。使用基于偏度、位置和变异的曲线平滑方法(LMS法)分别建立性别、年龄别左肾和右肾长度、宽度和厚度的百分位数生长曲线模型,获得6~12岁健康儿童肾脏尺寸百分位数参考值。结果 共计纳入2 193名健康儿童,平均年龄(9.0±1.7)岁,其中男童1 166名,占比53.2%。通过LMS法建立儿童肾脏尺寸的生长曲线模型,获得6~12岁儿童肾脏尺寸的性别、年龄别百分位数参考标准值,包括左肾和右肾的长度、宽度和厚度。儿童肾脏的长度、宽度和厚度随年龄增长呈现增加趋势。儿童左肾长度和厚度高于右肾,而宽度则低于右肾。结论 本研究研制出6~12岁健康儿童性别、年龄别肾脏长度、宽度和厚度的百分位数参考标准,可用于儿童肾脏发育水平的评估和相关肾脏疾病的诊断辅助。

关键词: 儿童, 肾脏大小, 超声, 参考值, 横断面研究

Abstract: Objective To establish percentile reference standards for kidney dimensions by sex and age for healthy children aged 6 to 12 years,in order to provide reference for the assessment of child kidney development and diagnosis of related diseases. Methods A cross-sectional survey design was employed, and in May 2023, a cluster random sampling method was used to select healthy children aged 6 to 12 years from two primary schools in Tongzhou District, Beijing, as the study population. Color Doppler ultrasonography was used to measure the bilateral kidney dimensions of the participants. The Lambda-Mu-Sigma(LMS) method based on skewness, location, and variation smoothing, was used to establish percentile growth curve models for kidney length, width, and thickness by sex and age for both the left and right kidneys, thereby obtaining percentile reference values for kidney dimensions in healthy children aged 6 to 12 years. Results A total of 2 193 healthy children with a mean age of (9.0±1.7) years were included, among which 1 166(53.2%) were boys. Growth curve models for kidney dimensions in children were established using the LMS method, yielding percentile reference standards for kidney dimensions by sex and age for children aged 6 to 12 years, including length, width, and thickness for both the left and right kidneys. The length, width, and thickness of children′s kidneys increased with age. The length and thickness of the left kidney were greater than those of the right kidney, while the width was smaller. Conclusions This study developed percentile reference standards for kidney length, width, and thickness by sex and age for healthy children aged 6 to 12 years, which can be used for assessing kidney development levels and as an auxiliary diagnostic tool for related kidney diseases in children.

Key words: children, kidney size, ultrasound, reference standard, cross-sectional study
