中国儿童保健杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (12): 1304-1308.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2021-0703

• 科研论著 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱谦让1, 戴月1, 张坚2, 张静娴1, 谢玮1   

  1. 1.江苏省疾病预防控制中心食品安全与评价所,江苏 南京 210009;
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-07 修回日期:2021-06-01 发布日期:2021-12-09
  • 通讯作者: 戴月,
  • 作者简介:朱谦让(1985-),男,江苏人,主管医师,博士研究生在读,主要研究方向为营养流行病学、老年营养。
  • 基金资助:

Dietary zinc intake and serum zinc level and their association with cardiovascular diseases risk factors in children and adolescents

ZHU Qian-rang*, DAI Yue, ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Jing-xian, XIE Wei   

  1. *Institute for Food Safety and Evaluation of Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210009, China
  • Received:2021-05-07 Revised:2021-06-01 Published:2021-12-09
  • Contact: DAI Yue,

摘要: 目的 了解2016-2017年江苏省儿童青少年膳食及血清锌状况,探索其与营养相关心血管疾病代谢危险因素之间可能存在的关系。 方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法,2016-2017年从江苏省12个监测点抽取1 251名6~17岁儿童青少年进行体格测量(身高、体重、腰围)、血液生化检验(血清锌、空腹血糖、血脂),并采用连续3 d 24 h膳食回顾法对其进行膳食调查。统计学方法采用Pearson χ2检验、Kruskal-Wallis检验及线性回归分析。 结果 最终有1 122名6~17岁儿童青少年纳入本研究。其膳食锌摄入低于平均需要量(EAR)比例为39.39%,其中13~17岁年龄组、一般农村的被调查对象比例较高,分别为56.7%和54.8%;血清锌水平低于参考值的比例较低,为0.5%,但在不同性别、地区间存在差异,其中男性、大城市儿童青少年血清锌水平较高。线性回归分析结果表明,膳食锌与血清锌无线性关系;膳食锌与高密度脂蛋白呈正相关(β=0.072,95%CI: 0.034~0.111,P<0.001);血清锌与空腹血糖呈负相关(β=-0.506,95%CI:-0.575~-0.437,P<0.001)。 结论 江苏省儿童青少年存在膳食锌摄入不足风险的比例依然较高,充足的膳食锌摄入及较高的血清锌水平与儿童青少年良好的代谢状况有关。

关键词: 锌, 心血管疾病, 代谢危险因素, 儿童青少年

Abstract: Objective To estimate the level of dietary zinc intake and serum zinc among children and adolescents in Jiangsu province from 2016 to 2017, and to explore the association of dietary zinc intake or serum zinc concentrations with nutrition-related cardiovascular disease risk factors. Methods A total of 1 251 children and adolescents aged from 6 to 17 years were selected from 12 monitoring sites in Jiangsu Province from 2016 to 2017 by multi-stage stratified random sampling.Participants took physical examinations (height, weight, waist circumference), biochemical tests (serum zinc, fasting blood glucose and lipids) and dietary intake assessment (24-hour dietary recall for 3 consecutive days).Pearson χ2 test, Kruskal-Wallis test and linear regression model were used to conduct statistical analysis. Results A total of 1 122 children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years were included in this study.The amount of zinc intake in 39.39% of the participates was below average requirement, whereas it was 56.7% for the participates aged from 13 to 17 and 54.8% for rural participates.The proportion of participants whose serum zinc levels were lower than the reference value was low (0.5%).But there were differences in serum zinc levels among different genders and regions, among which male and urban participants had higher serum zinc levels.Linear regression showed that there was no linear association between dietary zinc intake and serum zinc levels, and there was a weak positive association between dietary zinc intake and high density lipoprotein (β=0.072, 95%CI:0.034 - 0.111, P<0.001) and a negative association between serum zinc and fasting blood glucose(β=-0.506,95%CI:-0.575 - 0.437, P<0.001). Conclusions Children and adolescents in Jiangsu Province are still at a high risk of insufficient dietary zinc intake.Adequate dietary zinc intake and high serum zinc level in children and adolescents are related to good metabolic status.

Key words: zinc, cardiovascular disease, metabolic risk factors, children and adolescents
