journal1 ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 86-87.

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Risk factors and neonatal morbidity of small for gestational age infants in late-preterm birth.

WANG Hong-yu, HOU Ying, DIAO Jing-jun.   

  1. Neonatal Department of Dalian Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Dalian, Liaoning 116033, China
  • Received:2013-07-04 Online:2014-01-10 Published:2014-01-10


王红宇, 候莹, 刁敬军   

  1. 大连市妇产医院新生儿科, 辽宁 大连 116033
  • 作者简介:王红宇(1975-), 女, 副主任医师, 硕士学位, 主要研究方向为新生儿疾病。

Abstract: Objective To compare prenatal risk factors and neonatal morbidity between small for gestational age (SGA) infants and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) infants in late-preterm birth. Methods Neonatal morbidity and prenatal of 121 SGA infants delivered between 34~36+6 weeks of gestational age were retrospective analyzed.The control group consisted of 754 infants with spontaneous preterm delivery at the same gestation, in which the infant was AGA. Results In SGA group length of stay of NICU was longer than AGA.The frequency of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy, oligohydramnios, abnormality of umbilial cord, multiple pregnancy, fetal distress were higher than those in AGA group(P<0.05).SGA infants were found to be at higher risk of hypoglycemia, feeding intolerance, polycythemia, septicemia (P<0.05). Conclusions Late-preterm SGA infants present a significantly higher risk of neonatal complications when compare to late-preterm AGA infants.

Key words: late-preterm infants, small for gestational age, appropriate for gestational age

摘要: 目的 比较晚期早产儿中发生小于胎龄儿(small for gestational age, SGA)的围生期因素及新生儿的患病特点, 为能有效预防和进行早期干预提供参考依据。方法 对2010年1月-2011年12月在大连市妇产医院新生儿监护病房住院、胎龄为34~36+6周的早产儿临床资料进行回顾性分析, 比较晚期早产儿中SGA和适于胎龄儿(appropriate for gestational age, AGA)的围生期因素及新生儿期的患病情况。结果 SGA(121例)组母亲妊高症(44.6% vs 19.6%)、脐带异常(26.4% vs 5.7%)、羊水过少(24.8% vs 11.5%)、多胎妊娠(14.9% vs 6.1%)宫内窘迫(18.9% vs 8.4%)的发生比例高于AGA组(754例)(P<0.05);SGA组患儿喂养不耐受(14.9 % vs 7.6%)、低血糖(13.2% vs 7.6%)、红细胞增多症(5.8% vs 1.2%)、败血症(4.1% vs 1.5%)的发生率明显高于AGA组(P<0.05)。住院天数SGA组明显长于AGA组(10.6±4.2) d vs (6.5±5.1) d, (P<0.05)。结论 母亲妊高症、脐带异常、多胎妊娠是造成晚期早产儿SGA的主要原因, SGA患儿相对于AGA患儿具有更高的患病风险, 应针对造成SGA的围生期因素及新生儿期疾病特点进行相应的预防和干预。

关键词: 晚期早产儿, 小于胎龄儿, 适于胎龄儿

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