journal1 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (12): 1267-1271.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2015-23-12-11

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Effects on long-lasting social-related behavior in early postnatal fluoxetine treated on zebrafish.

WEN Zhu1,2,LI Qiang3,DU Ya-song1,2,GUO Ning4.   

  1. 1 Shanghai Mental Health Center Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200030,China;
    2 School of Medicine,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200025,China;
    3 Paediatrics Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University,Shanghai 201102,China;
    4 Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China
  • Received:2015-09-28 Online:2015-12-10 Published:2015-12-10
  • Contact: DU Ya-song,



  1. 1 上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心,上海 200030;
    2 上海交通大学医学院,上海 200025;3 复旦大学附属儿科医院,上海 201102;
    4 上海中医药大学,上海 201203
  • 通讯作者: 杜亚松,
  • 作者简介:文竹(1990-),女,四川人,硕士在读,主要研究方向为儿童青少年精神病与精神医学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objectives To expolore the effects toserotonin level and long-term social-related behaviour via a transient early postnatal fluoxetine exposure on zebarafish larves.Methods The level of neurotransmitters were exmained and their respective metabolites were quantified by HPLC from whole brain of larves (3~6 days post fertization)exposure to fluoxetine as well as tested the long-term social-related behaviour on zebrafish (30 days post fertization)quantified by social preference test.Results The level of 5-HIAA increased by enhancing dosage of fluoxetine,whlie the level of 5-HT,DA,DOPAC increased in low does and deceased in high dose.In social preference test,compared to the control group (1 255.50±117.95)cm,the 4 μM group (718.20±135.48)cm and 8 μM group (604.66±81.16) cm swam more distance in the area adjacent to the fish school(P<0.01);compared to the control group (1 005.61±54.86)s,the 4 μM group(754.21±85.63)s and 8 μM group(678.58±55.31)s had more time to swim in the area adjacent to the fish school(P<0.05). Conclutions The early-life exposed zebrafish shows the impaired long-term social-related behavior which may lead to sustained effect onneural development possibly via the changed level and function of the serotonin system.

Key words: zebrafish, fluoxetine, high precision liquid chromatography, social-related behaviour, autism spectrum disorder

摘要: 目的 通过研究早期暴露于氟西汀的斑马鱼,探索氟西汀对斑马鱼五羟色胺系统及远期社交功能的影响。方法 用氟西汀早期慢性处理斑马鱼(3-6dpf),通过高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测斑马鱼脑部的主要神经递质及部分代谢产物水平;用社交偏好实验评估斑马鱼社交行为的远期发展(30dpf)。结果 随氟西汀剂量的增加,五羟吲哚乙酸(5-HIAA)水平不断升高,而五羟色胺(5-HT)、多巴胺(DA)及3,4-二羟苯酰乙酸(DOPAC)在幼鱼(7dpf)脑内水平先增后减。在社交偏好实验结果中,对照组在毗邻鱼群的区域内总游动距离显著高于4 μM组和8 μM处理组(P均<0.01);游动时间的比较显示,对照组高于4 μM组和8 μM组(P均<0.05)。结论 斑马鱼早期暴露于氟西汀,可能通过改变5-HT水平和功能,对神经发育过程产生持续作用,继而影响到其社交能力。

关键词: 斑马鱼, 氟西汀, 高效液相色谱法, 社交相关行为, 孤独谱系障碍

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