journal1 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 433-435.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2015-23-04-31

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Observational study of control and treatment of 2~16 years old children with asthma

LIU Qing,MA Jin-hai,CHEN Xiao-yuan   

  1. The Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750001,China
  • Received:2014-09-23 Online:2015-04-10 Published:2015-04-10
  • Contact: MA Jin-hai,



  1. 宁夏医科大学附属医院,宁夏 银川 750001
  • 通讯作者: 马金海,
  • 作者简介:刘青(1988-),山西人,在读研究生,主要研究方向为小儿呼吸。

Abstract: Objective To understand the control and treatment of children with bronchial asthma in the Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Methods The study was achieved by means of collecting the face-to-face questionnaires among researchers,outpatient children of 2~16 years old and their guardians from January,2013 to March,2014. Results There were 149 asthmatic children,including 109 male cases and 40 female cases.The sex ratio was 2.7∶1,among them the preschool and school-age children accounted for 31% and 45% respectively.From the statistics of past 12 months,27 cases had been fully controlled,94 cases were in partial control and 28 cases with no control,among them 129 cases were routine follow-up visitors.Cough and wheeze were the main symptoms of asthma which respectively account for 94.63% and 71.14%;73 cases (49%) had been attacked in the past three months and 52 cases (34.9%) happened in nearly one month,17 cases were complicated by nocturnal symptoms (11.4%) and 64 cases with allergic rhinitis.There were 132 cases (88.6%) suffering the inhaled corticosteroid treatment and 55 cases (36.91%) had been treated with antibiotics;in the past one year,the emergency treatment rate and hospitalized treatment rate due to the acute asthmatic attack respectively accounted for 16.1% and 30.2%.About 2/3 of children took greater amount of exercise than before in the recent one year,which was even same to the same age children. Conclusions There still exists a certain disparity between the realistic effect and the ideal goal of the asthmatic treatment in our hospital.Proactively promoting the propaganda and education of asthma as well as necessity of the drug use in remission,strengthening the nursing,taking proper exercise and avoiding infecting and contacting allergens are helpful to improve the asthma control.

Key words: the clinic children, the situation of asthma control, treatment

摘要: 目的 了解宁夏回族自治区宁夏医科大学附属医院门诊支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)患儿的哮喘控制情况及治疗情况。方法 采用研究者与患儿及其监护人面对面的问卷形式收集自2013年1月-2014年3月于本院门诊就诊的2~16岁患儿。结果 本次149例哮喘患儿中,男性109例,女性40例,男女比例为:2.7∶1,其中以学龄前期(31%)及学龄期患儿(45%)为主。近12个月完全控制的患儿27例,部分控制94例,未控制的28例;因常规随访就诊者129例,哮喘发作症状主要表现为咳嗽与喘息,分别占94.63%、71.14%;近3月有73例(49%)患儿有哮喘发作,其中近1月有发作者52例(34.9%),有夜间症状者17例(11.4%);合并过敏性鼻炎患儿64例。 132例(88.6%)患儿正在使用糖皮质激素,近1月内55例(36.91%)患儿使用过抗生素;近1年内因哮喘急性发作而急诊就诊及住院治疗的患儿分别占16.1%及30.2%,约2/3患儿近1年内运动量较前增加甚至与同龄儿完全相同。结论 本院门诊哮喘患儿的病情控制与理想目标相比,仍有一定的差距,积极宣教哮喘疾病认识及哮喘缓解时期药物使用的必要性,加强护理,适当运动,避免感染及接触过敏性物质等,将有助于提高患儿哮喘控制。

关键词: 门诊儿童, 哮喘控制情况, 治疗情况

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