journal1 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 430-432.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2015-23-04-30

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Analysis of epidemiological characteristics of child injury in Yinchuan Ningxia

WANG Xiao-li1,ZHANG Long2,MA Fang1,ZHANG Yin-e1,XIE Fan1,TIAN Yuan1   

  1. 1 Ningxia Center for Diseases Prevention Control,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750004,China;
    2 Wuzhong City Hongsipu District People's Hospital,Wuzhong,Ningxia 751999,China
  • Received:2014-08-25 Online:2015-04-10 Published:2015-04-10



  1. 1 宁夏疾病预防控制中心,宁夏 银川 750004;
    2 吴忠市红寺堡区人民医院,宁夏 吴忠 751999
  • 作者简介:王晓莉(1978-),女,副主任医师,学士学位,研究方向为慢性非传染性疾病预防与控制,伤害预防与控制。

Abstract: Objective To learn epidemic characteristics of Ningxia nonfatal child injury and fatal cases and to provide a scientific basis for the development of injury prevention and control strategies. Methods Cases of injury card information were gathered from Yinchuan 3 hurt sentinel surveillance hospitals from 2006 to 2012.Statistical analysis was used by the national injury management software and Excel 2010. Results A total of 16 730 cases of child injury cases were collected from 0 to 17 years old,including 16 632 non-fatal cases and 98 fatal cases.Male to female ratio was 1.97∶1 in all cases,which accounted for 48.20% of preschool children,school-age children accounted for 51.80%;First three injuries were fall/fall,road traffic injuries and burns,no difference was found between the historical cases injury causes sequence,consistented with the total cases in general;sites of injury was mainly home,road / street and schools.Fatal cases was a male dominated;reason for the occurrence of major traffic injuries,followed by the fall/fall and drowning,and the burns and poisoning;former occurred location were road/street,home and public living spaces. Conclusions Child injury in Yinchuan mainly dominated nonfatal injuries,which accounted for about half of all preschool and school-age children,the main reason for the occurrence of falls/fall,place occurs mainly at home;Cause of fatal injury occurred mainly traffic injuries,the major place of the occurrence was road/street.It provided a scientific basis to develop targeted child injury prevention and control strategies and interventions.

Key words: child injury, nonfatal and fatal, epidemiological characteristics

摘要: 目的 了解宁夏银川市儿童伤害非致死性和致死性病例流行特征,为制定伤害防控策略提供科学依据。方法 收集银川市3家伤害哨点监测医院 2006-2012年儿童伤害病例,使用全国伤害管理软件及Excel 2010进行分析。结果 收集0~17岁儿童伤害病例16 730例,包括非致死性16 632例和致死性98例。全部病例男女比为1.97∶1,其中学龄前儿童占48.20%,学龄儿童占51.80%;总病例伤害发生原因前3位为跌倒/坠落、道路交通伤害和烧烫伤,历年病例伤害发生原因顺位无明显差异,与总病例大体一致;伤害发生地点主要为家中、公路/街道和学校。致死性病例以男性为主;发生原因主要为交通伤害,其次为跌倒/坠落和溺水,第三为烧烫伤和中毒;发生地点前3位依次为公路/街道、家中和公共居住场所。结论 银川市儿童伤害主要以非致死性伤害为主,其中学龄前儿童与学龄儿童各约占一半,发生原因主要为跌倒/坠落,发生地点主要为家中;致死性伤害发生原因主要为交通伤害,发生地点主要为公路/街道,为制定有针对性的儿童伤害防控策略及干预措施提供科学依据。

关键词: 儿童伤害, 非致死性和致死性, 流行病学特征

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