journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 569-570.
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DONG Jun-mei,LI Li-hong,LI Na,KANG Ying-hong,JIANG Yi,TANG Ying,LU Jun
Abstract: 【Objective】 To know the relationship between visual acuity and refractive status of the children 5~6 years old and to provide the basis for the prevention and treatment of children's vision. 【Method】 Outpatient 5~6 year-old optometry 100 cases with normal vision (≥1.0) children 119 cycloplegic refraction results were analyzed. 【Results】 The children 5~6 years old who checked visual examination was normal (≥1.0) 119 refractive status,mild astigmatism proportion was 44.54%,the right eye and left eye were 15.97% and 28.57%;followed by mild hyperopia proportion of 35.30%,the right eye and left eye were 19.33% and 15.97%;moderate hypermetropia and significant astigmatism was 13.44% and 4.20% the right eye and left eye were 1.68% and 2.52%,significantly astigmatism was 9.24%,the right eye and left eye were 5.04% and 4.20%;myopia was 4.20%,right eye and left eye were 0.84% and 3.36%,emmetropia (3/119) of eyes with refractive errors (116/119),Refractive error eye was significantly higher than emmetropia(χ2 = 210.824,P=0.000). 【Conclusion】 The normal vision is not equal to the refractive in normal growth and development of children's distance vision.
Key words: 5~6 years old children, normal vision, refractive errors
摘要: 【目的】 了解5~6岁儿童视力与屈光状态的关系,为儿童视力不良的防治提供依据。 【方法】 对本科门诊5~6岁验光者中100例视力正常(≥1.0)儿童119眼散瞳验光结果进行统计学分析。 【结果】 在视力检查正常(≥1.0)5~6岁儿童中进行屈光状态检查,在119眼中,轻度散光所占比例最多为44.54%,右、左眼分别为15.97%和28.57%;其次为轻度远视所占比例为35.30%,右眼左眼分别为19.33%和15.97%;中度远视和显著散光占有一定比例为13.44%,中度远视为4.20%,右眼左眼分别为1.68%和2.52%,显著散光为9.24%,右眼左眼分别为5.04%和4.20%;近视也有一定发生趋势所占比例为4.20%右眼左眼分别为0.84%和3.36%。正视眼(3/119)与屈光不正眼(116/119)比较,屈光不正眼明显高于正视眼(χ2= 210.824,P=0.000)。 【结论】 处于生长发育期的儿童远视力正常不等于屈光正常。
关键词: 5~6岁儿童, 视力正常, 屈光不正
CLC Number:
DONG Jun-mei,LI Li-hong,LI Na,KANG Ying-hong,JIANG Yi,TANG Ying,LU Jun. Analysis of the relationship of normal visual acuity and refractive status between children 5~6 years old[J]. journal1, 2012, 20(6): 569-570.
董俊媚,李丽红,李娜,康映红,姜轶,唐瑛,卢军. 5~6岁儿童正常视力与屈光状态关系的情况分析[J]. 中国儿童保健杂志, 2012, 20(6): 569-570.
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