journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (8): 710-712.

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Investigation of disease spectrum of children psychological outpatient in general hospital during 2001-2010

XIAO Li-jun1, LUO Li2, ZHANG Qian2, AN Yu-lin1, FENG Zhi-chun1   

  1. 1 Bayi Children's Hospital, 2 Department of Medical Psychology, General Hospital of Beijing Military Area Command of Chinese PLA, Beijing 100700, China
  • Received:2011-05-26 Online:2011-08-06 Published:2011-08-06



  1. 北京军区总医院1 附属八一儿童医院;
    2 心理科,北京 100700
  • 通讯作者: 封志纯,;张倩,
  • 作者简介:肖利军(1971-),男,山西人,副主任医师,博士学位,主要从事临床心理研究
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the features of disease spectrum of children and juvenile psychological outpatient in general hospital, and to supply important theory basis of mental health work. 【Methods】 General information of 1 666 first-visit case files in Bayi Children's Hospital during 2001-2010 were statistically analyzed in terms of annual distribution tendency of case number, patients' age and sex. Disease-type was classified according to The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision(ICD-10) based on the first diagnose, and the top 5 mono disease and proportions were screen out from two categories. 【Results】 170 cases(17.7% of the classificatory cases, 10.2% of total cases, the same below)of F32(depressive episode), 123 cases(12.8%,7.4%)of F98(behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence), 116 cases(10.8%,7.0%)of F31(bipolar disorder), 104 cases(10.8%,6.2%)of F41(other anxiety disorders)and 100 cases(10.4%,6.0%)of F20(Schizophrenia)occupied the first 5 positions of mental and behavioral disorders; 133 cases(18.9%,8.0%)of depression, 112 cases(15.9%,6.7%)of anxiety, 87 cases(12.4%,5.2%)of problems of family, 81 cases(11.5%,4.9%)of study-weariness and 75 cases(10.7%,4.5%). Internet addiction occupied the first 5 positions of psychological problems. 【Conclusions】 The data of psychological outpatient increased significantly, 16~18 is high-risk population. Anxiety and Depression disorders are still most important work. Problem solving of interpersonal relationship and family is an effective way to reduce the incidence of psychological problems.

Key words: general hospital, psychological outpatient, disease spectrum

摘要: 【目的】 分析综合医院心理科门诊儿童青少年的病种分布特征与变化趋势,为临床心理工作提供参考依据。 【方法】 选取2001-2010年间某综合医院儿童青少年心理门诊首诊资料完整者共1 666例,对年度病例数、年龄、性别等一般资料进行统计分析,以国际疾病分类标准ICD-10进行诊断分类,并列出各类别中前5位单病种及其构成比。 【结果】 精神类疾病前5位分别是F32(抑郁发作)170例(占本类病例数17.7%,占总病例数10.2%,下同)、F98(通常起病于童年和少年期的其它行为与情绪障碍)123例(12.8%,7.4%)、F31(双相情感障碍)116例(10.8%,7.0%)、F41(其它焦虑障碍)104例(10.8%,6.2%)、F20(精神分裂症)100例(10.4%,6.0%);心理问题前5位依次为抑郁情绪133例(18.9%,8.0%)、焦虑情绪112例(15.9%,6.7%)、家庭关系不良87例(12.4%,5.2%)、厌学81例(11.5%,4.9%)、网络成瘾75例(10.7%,4.5%)。 【结论】 心理门诊量呈上升趋势,16~18岁是重点人群。抑郁、焦虑仍是防治重点,家庭问题解决是减少儿童青少年心理行为问题发生率的有效路径。

关键词: 心理门诊, 疾病谱, 儿童

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