journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 328-330.

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Survey of asthma related knowledge and analysis the effect of behavioral intervention with parents of 118 asthma children in Xi'an

HOU Wei, LIU Hai-yan, ZHOU Jian-ping, LI Jing, GE Li-ji, YE Gao-bo, ZHAO Juan   

  1. Department of Pediatrics, Second Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi' an, Shaanxi 710004, China
  • Received:2010-11-17 Online:2011-04-06 Published:2011-04-06



  1. 西安交通大学医学院第二附属医院儿科,陕西西安 710004
  • 作者简介:侯伟(1964-),男,陕西人,副教授,硕士学位,主要从事儿童呼吸系统疾病与儿童哮喘防治的研究
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate awareness of parents about the symptoms, healthcare uses and management of asthma in children in Xi'an. To explore the effect of appropriate behavioral interventions. 【Methods】 Questionnaires investigation was performed from the outdoor asthmatic children and their parents of Second Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Asthma was diagnosed in the children and observed asthmatic children more than six months. 【Results】 1) It was investigated that asthma diagnoses in children after(2.3 ± 1.6) years of the first wheeze that might be happened at the age of(5.1±3.7) years. Allergic rhinitis, eczema and inheritance asthma were shown by 50.8%, 50.6% and 25.5% of the patients respectively. 2)Current use of inhaled corticosteroid combined with β2 agonists for acute asthma was reported by 51.7% of parents, 39.6% liked just corticosteroid, 20.6% preferred oral leukotriene and 13.7% utilized allergic drugs. The reasons of parents did not select long-term control of asthma drugs: 60.3% were worried about impact on growth, 22.4% were worried about dependence on drugs. 3)After behavioral interventions, the scores of asthma related knowledge, attitude and behavior of parents with asthma children were significantly improved(P>0.01). 【Conclusions】 After long term education and management, parents of children with asthma understand the inflammatory nature of asthma, symptoms of asthma attack, induced factors and self-treatment of asthma very well. But many parents of asthmatic children have error knowledge in diagnosis and treatment of asthma. Behavior intervention can improve parental asthma related knowledge, attitudes and behavior level.

Key words: asthmatic children, education and management, behavioral intervention

摘要: 【目的】 了解西安地区儿童哮喘患儿家长对哮喘认知水平和行为现状,采取有针对性的行为干预措施,并分析其效果,为哮喘规范治疗和管理提供依据。 【方法】 采用问卷形式进行调查,选取本院儿童哮喘门诊就诊且哮喘规范化治疗超过6个月的哮喘患儿。 【结果】 118例问卷显示:1)患儿一般情况:患儿首次喘息发病年龄平均为(5.1±3.7)岁,首次喘息发作距确诊哮喘时间为(2.3±1.6)年;患儿中有50.8%合并过敏性鼻炎、50.6%有湿疹、28.8%有哮喘家族史; 2)哮喘患儿家长行为:56.6%知道在哮喘急性发作时应该吸入速效β2受体激动剂治疗,96.6%在哮喘没有症状时会坚持用药。在选择哮喘长期治疗药物种类时,有51.7%选择吸入激素与长效β2受体激动剂联合制剂、39.6%单独吸入激素、20.6%口服白三烯拮抗剂、13.7%使用抗过敏药物。家长不愿意给患儿使用长期控制哮喘药物原因,60.3%是担心对生长发育产生影响、22.4%是担心对药物产生依赖;3)给予哮喘知识和行为低于平均得分的46例进行干预,干预后家长哮喘知识、态度和行为得分明显提高(P>0.01)。 【结论】 今后应做好哮喘患儿及家长的管理和宣教工作,提高家长的哮喘知识,改善其态度和行为水平,促进患儿的干预效果。

关键词: 哮喘儿童, 教育管理, 行为干预

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