journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 16-17.

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Analysis of correlation between personality characteristics and parental rearing pattern in children with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures

CHA Cai-hui1, OU Wan-xing1, CHEN Jia-hui2, WANG Ling-hua1, LI Zhi-bin2, MAI Jian-ning2   

  1. 1 Department of Psychology, 2 Department of Pediatrics, 3 Department of Neurology and Rehabiliation, Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510120, China
  • Received:2010-09-14 Online:2011-01-06 Published:2011-01-06



  1. 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心,1 心理专科,2 儿内科,3神经康复科,广东 广州 510120
  • 作者简介:查彩慧(1971-),女,河南人,副主任医师,硕士学位,主要从事儿童心理的临床工作
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To analyze the correlation between personality characteristics and parental rearing pattern in children with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES). 【Methods】 Forty-three consecutive patients with PNES and Forty-three matched patients were recruited from patients in our hospital between 2006 and 2009. The following questionnaires were used as outcome variables: Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) for personality characteristics, Egma Minnen av Bardndosnauppforstran(EMBU) for rearing pattern. Correlation analysis were carried out between them. 【Results】 On comparison with the control group, the present children with PNES showed higher TP and TN scores of EPQ (P<0.01). The subscale scores of EMBU were lower in emotional warmth and understanding (father) and higher in punishment and sternness (father), excessive interference (father), excessive interference and overprotection (mother), rejection and deny (father and mother) than that of control children (P<0.01). The level of psychoticism, extrovision-introvision, neuroticism and lie was positively correlated with some factors of EMBU and it was negatively correlated with the other factors in children with PNES. 【Conclusion】 The dyfunctional rearing pattern from their parents should prevent child with PNES from forming favourable personality characteristics.

Key words: psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, personality characteristics, parental rearing pattern, correlation analysis

摘要: 【目的】 探讨心因性非癫痫性发作(psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, PNES)儿童个性特征与父母教养方式的相关性。 【方法】 采用艾森克个性问卷(Eysenck Peersonality Questionnaire, EPQ)、父母养育方式问卷(Egma Minnen av Bardndosnauppforstran, EMBU)对43例PNES儿童和43名正常对照组儿童进行评估,并作相关分析。 【结果】 PNES儿童EPQ中TP、TN分量表得分明显高于对照组儿童,差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01);EMBU中父亲的情感温暖与理解因子得分低于对照组儿童,父亲的惩罚严厉因子、过分干涉因子、母亲的过分干涉与过度保护因子、父母亲的拒绝否认因子得分高于对照组儿童(P<0.01)。PNES儿童个性的精神病倾向、内外向、神经质及掩饰度与EMBU的一些因子相关。 【结论】 父母不良的教养方式不利于PNES患儿形成良好的个性。

关键词: 心因性非癫痫性发作, 个性特征, 父母养育方式, 相关性分析

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