Analysis of the influencing factors for anemia of infants and young children aged 6 to 23 months in Yingyangbao intervention areas
WANG Ou, WANG Li-juan, HUANG Jian, HUO Jun-sheng, SUN Jing
National Institute for Nutrition and Health,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Key Laboratory of Trace Element and Nutrition,National Health Commission of the People′s Republic of China,Beijing 100050,China
WANG Ou, WANG Li-juan, HUANG Jian, HUO Jun-sheng, SUN Jing. Analysis of the influencing factors for anemia of infants and young children aged 6 to 23 months in Yingyangbao intervention areas[J]. journal1, 2019, 27(11): 1211-1214.
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