journal1 ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (12): 1211-1214.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2017-25-12-07

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Comparative research of attachment characteristics between only-child and non-only-child in Nanjing

ZHAN Ming-xin, CHEN Yi-xin, CHEN Tu-nong   

  1. Brain Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210029,China
  • Received:2017-05-11 Online:2017-12-10 Published:2017-12-10
  • Contact: CHEN Yi-xin,


詹明心, 陈一心, 陈图农   

  1. 南京医科大学附属脑科医院,江苏 南京 210029
  • 通讯作者: 陈一心,
  • 作者简介:詹明心(1983-),女,天津人,主治医师,主要研究方向为精神病与精神卫生专业、儿童心理卫生。

Abstract: Objective To describe the difference of attachment characteristics between only-child and non-only-child under the current level of economy and culture in Nanjing. Methods Based on data from the investigation of the normal children in Nanjing from 2010 to 2013,this paper made a comparative study on the data of the general demographic questionnaire and the Adolescent Attachment Inventory between 99 only-child students and 87 non-only-child students. Results There was no significant difference in scores of family attachment and friends attachment between only-child group and non-only-child group (P>0.05).The influence of parents' education degree,children's genders,age did not have significant influence on scores of family attachment and friends attachment between only-child group and non-only-child group (P>0.05). Conclusion Under the current level of economy and culture in Nanjing,the attachment characteristics between only-child and non-only-child are alike.The attachment characteristics between only-child and non-only-child with different education of their parents,different gender or age stages is similar.

Key words: only child, attachment, the Adolescent Attachment Inventory

摘要: 目的 从依恋理论的视角对南京市区经济文化水平条件下独生子女与非独生子女的依恋特点进行分析。方法 利用2010-2013年调查的南京市区正常儿童一般情况调查表与青少年依恋问卷资料,对99名独生子女与87名非独生子女的问卷结果进行比较,分析两组儿童的依恋特点,以及父母文化程度、性别、不同年龄阶段对依恋特点的影响。结果 独生子女组家庭依恋亲和性、消极性、依赖性、焦虑性,朋友依恋亲和性、消极性、依赖性、焦虑性得分与非独生子女组差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。父母文化程度、性别、不同年龄阶段对独生子女与非独生子女青少年依恋问卷各因子影响无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论 南京市区独生子女与非独生子女的依恋特征相同。父母文化程度、性别、不同年龄阶段对独生子女与非独生子女的依恋特征无影响。

关键词: 独生子女, 依恋, 青少年依恋问卷

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